December 2, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, January 13, 2003
January 13, 2003
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, January 13, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at the Brusly Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Perrault. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Daryl Babin, Ronda Perrault, Shane Andre’,
Joanne Bourgeois, Chris Kershaw
Members, coaches, and managers of the Brusly High School Volleyball team were honored and presented certificates for winning the district championship and progressing to the State semifinals.
Ms. Marsha Turner presented information on the Council on Aging, whose ad valorem tax of 2.5 mills is up for renewal on January 18th. The tax supports over 75% of operations, which includes 34,000 meals to the aging each year.
Ms. Caroline Kennedy advised the officials and audience that the 2 mills Museum Tax will be on the ballot for renewal, gave an overview of the operations and growth, and answered questions.
Mr. Jason Manola, newly elected School Board Member, advised that a 15 mills tax equates to $2.8 million of the school system’s budget, and there would be severe financial difficulties if it were not renewed. Mayor Normand commented on the excellence of the schools in our area.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of December 9, 2002 was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Babin, and passed with no opposing votes.
The minutes of the Planning Commission and their recommendation for the re-subdivision of Tract “A” of the Henry Harrington Estate, with approval contingent upon Ms. Gloria Harrington obtaining signatures of all the heirs to the property, and contingent upon the surveyor showing the location of an additional home belonging to Ms. Harrington’s brother on said property. The minutes and resubdivision were approved upon motion by Council Member Babin and second by Council Member Kershaw. Motion passed with no opposition.
A motion to approve applications for beer and/or Liquor Licenses by Pat’s Family Restaurant, Back Brusly Grocery, Louisiana Bayou Bistro, Morales Grocery, and J W Food Mart was made by Council Member Kershaw, seconded by Council Member Andre’, and passed with all in favor.
Approval was given for the wording on a new historical marker noting Brusly Landing as the oldest settlement in West Baton Rouge Parish. Motion by Council Member Kershaw to accept the wording as read was seconded by Council Member Perrault. The vote was unanimously in favor.
Police Chief Emmett Worley recommended candidate Dexter Walker to fill a vacancy of Police Officer. The motion to hire was made by Council Member Bourgeois and seconded by Council Member Babin; it passed with a unanimous vote.
Chief Worley presented the list of Reserve Police Officers and explained the categories and their duties. The list was approved upon motion by Council Member Kershaw and second by Council Member Perrault; the motion passed with no opposing votes.
Chief Worley reported on the capture of a suspect who robbed the video poker machine at Pat’s Restaurant and attempted to escape by running his car into the Police Chief. Since shots were fired, he called the State Police to investigate; they reported that all actions by the police were proper, and congratulated them.
Council Member Perrault introduced an ordinance for a sewer rate increase. The need for the increase was reviewed, and will be publicized on the Town web site and with flyers.
Resolution No. 1 of 2003 to authorize the Mayor to sign necessary documents to provide for the widening of the railroad crossing at West Saint Francis Street was proposed on a motion by Council Member Kershaw and seconded by Council Member Perrault. The motion passed with no opposition.
Mayor Normand and Chief Worley presented a commendation to Corporal Jonathan Lefeaux for courage and bravery for forcefully entering into a moving vehicle occupied by a wanted burglar while shots were being fired into the vehicle. The suspect was taken into custody, making the Town of Brusly a safer community for its residents.
A resolution was made by Council Member Kershaw to thank employees of Entergy, West Baton Rouge Parish, and Water Works District No. 2 for restoring services to Town of Brusly residents by working during rainy 35-40 degree weather; cited in particular were Richard Soniat, Daryl “Turf” Babin, and Jeff “Petit” Kershaw. The resolution was seconded by Council Member Andre’; it passed with four favorable votes and Council Member Babin abstaining.
Chief Emmett Worley gave the Police Department report for the month. He stated that there were 5 wrecks, 1 battery, 2 criminal mischief’s, 6 damages to property, 1 disturbing the peace, 2 thefts, 4 burglaries, 5 alarms, 6 assistance to another agency, no 911 calls, 1 drug arrest, 1 traffic arrest, and 29 miscellaneous calls, for a total of 63 calls and 200 traffic citations issued.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. There was a backup problem with the sewer system due to a contractor accidentally shoving asphalt paving material into a sewer manhole.
At that time, Council Member Andre’ moved to go into executive session to discuss legal matters; his motion was seconded by Council Member Perrault and approved with a unanimous vote.
The executive session ended upon motion by Council Member Bourgeois and second by Council Member Andre’. Motion passed with no opposition.
A motion was made by Council Member Perrault to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Andre’. The motion was unopposed. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
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Joey Normand, Mayor Jules Lefeaux, Town Clerk