December 2, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 19, 2002
November 19, 2002
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
A special meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, November 19, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. at the Brusly Town Hall. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following present:
Joey Normand
Council Members:
Daryl Babin
Ronda Perrault
Joanne Bourgeois
Shane Andre’
Chris Kershaw
Council Member Babin led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Normand announced the need for a budget adjustment to transfer $50,000 from “Special Projects—Drainage” to “Special Projects—Roads” for the purpose of paying Union Pacific Railroad for the widening of the St. Francis Street railroad crossing. Council Member Kershaw made a motion to make the $50,000. budget adjustment; it was seconded by Council Member Babin. The vote was unanimous in favor of the budget adjustment.
Under “Any Other Business”, Council Member Bourgeois moved to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. The motion was seconded by Council Member Andre, and Town Clerk Lefeaux called the roll for voting. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor. The executive session began at 5:45 p.m. with only the Mayor, Council Members, and Police Chief attending.
The executive session ended at 6:50 p.m. upon motion by Council Member Bourgeois and second by Council Member Andre’. The roll call vote to end the executive session was unanimous.
Chief of Police Emmett Worley announced that he was withdrawing his recommendation for a one-month suspension of a certain police officer, and recommending instead a two-week suspension (7 working days) for 1 severe violation of the Department’s Standard Operating Procedures. His recommendation was accepted upon motion of Council Member Babin, a second by Council Member Perrault, and a roll call vote unanimously in favor.
A motion was made by Council Member Babin to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Andre. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.
Joey Normand, Mayor
Jules Lefeaux, Town Clerk