Minutes of the Brusly Landmark & Heritage Commission – October 18, 2010
A meeting of the Brusly Landmark and Heritage Commission was held on Monday October 18, 2010 in the Council Chambers, Brusly Town Hall, and Brusly, Louisiana.
Chairman Rills called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Voting members present: Billy Bourgeois, Margaret Canella. Sara Grady, Rose Jackson, Shirley Jordan, Jim Rills.
Voting members absent: Shane Sarradet.
Non-voting members present: Brian Falcon.
Non-voting members absent: Kevin Durbin.
Upon motion of Mrs. Canella seconded by Mrs. Jordan the minutes of the July 19, 2010 meeting were approved as written.
Landmark Plaque Applications – One application was received and voted upon.
• John & Barbara Watson, 710 St. Francis Street
There were no objections to this application and a motion was made by Mrs. Canella, seconded by Mr. Bourgeois to recommend approval by the Town Council. Motion carried unanimously.
A time to award the plaque will be decided at a later date.
Plaque Ceremony Report – Mr. Rills commented that the ceremony was very nice and thanked participants. Most of the recipients were present to receive the plaques.
Other Business –
• Members discussed the missing plaque on the house at the corner of Main Street and St. Mark Street (546 E. Main). It was decided to send a letter to the owners requesting that the plaque be displayed or returned to the town.
• The 2011 meeting dates were reviewed and upon unanimous vote, the January meeting was moved to the 24th due to the Martin Luther King Holiday.
• Mrs. Canella gave a report on the levee project. She advised that she has received the first of three approvals required. Further approvals are required before the project can be bid. Brusly High School Art Class has agreed to make signs for the Trails.
• Mr. Rills discussed the reunion/anniversary celebration for the Brusly High School 100th Anniversary. Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Jackson volunteered to serve on a committee to collect student names. Mr. Rills is working with Mr. Walt Lemoine at the high school.
There was no other business to come before the commission. Mrs. Canella made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Grady seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Marianne Berthelot, Secretary