December 2, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, February 14, 2011 at the Brusly Town Hall. Council Member Hebert led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Thomas Olinde, Joanne Bourgeois, Landess Hebert,
Shane André, Chris Kershaw
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta Jr.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011, was made by Council Member Bourgeois and seconded by Council Member Olinde. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Works Committee:
Mayor Normand made a recommendation to the Council to renew the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Parish for Inspection Services. Council Member André made a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement; seconded by Council Member Olinde and passed with a unanimous vote.
Planning and Zoning Committee: None
Finance Committee:
Mayor Normand presented a proposed Cooperative Endeavor between Fire Sub-district #2 and the Town of Brusly to meet expenses for the new fire station that is under construction. A motion to approve in the amount of $25,000 was made by Council Member Kershaw; seconded by Council Member Olinde. An substitute motion to approve in the amount of $20,000 was made by Council Member Hebert; seconded by Council Member Kershaw. A roll call vote was had on the amount of $20,000 with the following results:
Yeas: Bourgeois, Hebert, Kershaw
Nays: Olinde, André
Abstaining: None
Absent: None
A roll call vote was had on the amount of $25,000 with the following results:
Yeas: André, Kershaw, Olinde
Nays: Bourgeois, Hebert,
Abstaining: None
Absent: None
The Mayor was authorized to sign a Cooperative Endeavor in the amount of $25,000.
Personnel Committee: None
Recreation Committee: None
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affair Committee: None
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing and Final Action on Ordinances: None
Introduction of Ordinances:
Council Member Kershaw introduced an Ordinance for River Mill Reserve’s Zero Lot Development Request.
Resolutions and Commendations:
Mayor Normand presented a Key to the City to Richard Condon who spoke highly of the Town of Brusly and Addis.
Fire Department Report:
Asst. Fire Chief Hunts gave the Fire Chief’s report for January. There were three (3) first aid calls inside of town and twelve (12) outside of Town. There were no fire calls inside or outside of Town. There was one (1) carbon monoxide incident, two (2) false alarms, two (2) grass fires, two (2) electrical lines and one (1) trash fire. There were three (3) motor vehicle crashes. The total calls for the month were twenty-six (26). The total for the year is twenty-six (26).
Police Department Report:
Report for the month of January was given by Chief Jamie Whaley. There were eight (8) wrecks, three (3) bench warrant arrests, one (1) damage to property, one (1) burglary, one (1) alarm, four (4) assists to other agencies, one (1) juvenile matter, five (5) traffic arrests and eight (8) miscellaneous calls. For the month’s total, there were 32 calls, 110 citations and 152 violations.
Mayor Normand received thank you notes from the American Planning Association and the Boy Scouts of America. Mayor Normand read aloud a letter from Fire Sub-district #1 to the WBR Parish Council, City of Port Allen and the Town of Brusly, requesting a review of the formula for distribution of Sales Tax dollars.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Normand attended a meeting with Judge Kleinpeter and Mike Zito to discuss a program for traffic violators that would allow them to work off the cost of traffic tickets by cleaning up litter around the parish. This program would work hand in hand with Keep WBR Beautiful. The Mayor announced that Council Member Bourgeois had been named Pride of WBR Recipient. Mayor Normand expressed gratitude to Council Member Bourgeois for everything she has done and continues to do for the Town of Brusly. The Mayor participated in the selection of the Executive Director of the WBR Parish Chamber of Commerce. The Mayor announced the new Census figure for the Town of Brusly was 2,589, for an increase of 28.2%, thanking everyone in the Town for their cooperation and help. The Mayor attended a building code summit hosted by Kevin Durbin and also attended the annual board meeting of the Historical Association in Port Allen.
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Asst. Fire Chief Hunts congratulated the BHS Wrestling team for placing 2nd at the State Championship Wrestling Tournament. Council Member Kershaw thanked the Mayor for his help and guidance with the 2010 Census stating that the high percentage of response was a result of his guidance and participation. Council Member Olinde thanked Donnie Jarreau for his cooperation and compliance with the Town’s suggestions on his rezoning request. Council Member Bourgeois thank the Town Staff for their help in welcoming attendees from the Louisiana Planning Association conference during their visit to Brusly on January 21st.
Addis Parade – Feb. 27th at 11:00 AM
Town Hall Closed March 8th – Mardi Gras
A motion was made by Council Member Olinde to adjourn; seconded by Council Member André. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM.
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Joey Normand, Mayor Debbie Berthelot, Town Clerk