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Planning & Zoning Minutes – December 2020

December 23, 2020

The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, December 23, 2020, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chairman LeMoine called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  Commissioner Purnell led the Pledge of Allegiance.  A roll call determined the following officials present:

Commissioners: Kim LeMoine, Steve Perkins, Ronda Perrault, Claudette Purnell, Gary Soniat, Jeff Travasos
Absent:              Steve Guidry
Others:               Joanne Bourgeois, Willis & Danette Dupont, Court Bradford

A motion to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2020, regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, as written, was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Purnell.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Zoning:  None

Public Hearing – Final Plat with Variance
Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat Showing Re-Subdivision of Lots 28A-1, 28A-2, 29A-1 of the Bezet Partition into Lots 28A-1-A, 28A-2-A, & 29A-1-A located in Sec. 56, T-8-S, R-12-E, Town of Brusly, Parish of West Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana for Willis & Danette Dupont, with variance request for Non-Compliance Sec. 19.8(a)(5)k, to allow more than 500 feet for a private servitude of access.  Danette & Willis Dupont explained that they were asking to resize the existing lots along with reconfiguring the private servitude of access. After a brief discussion, a motion to recommend approval of the plat to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Perkins.  The motion passed unanimously.

Chairman LeMoine read aloud the variance request of Brennen Sanchez at 617 Burgundy St. for non-compliance of Sec. 19.13 (b), Servitudes for Utilities, to reduce the Utility Servitude from 10’ to 5’.  Mr. Court Bradford, representing Brennen Sanchez, explained the variance request.  Mr. Bradford explained that the servitude only served to run a two-inch sewer line, due to all other utilities already existing in other locations.  Mr. Bradford explained that the sewer line will only service the home located at 617 Burgundy St.  After a discussion, a motion to recommend approval of the variance to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Soniat.  A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas:       Soniat, Purnell, Perrault, Perkins, LeMoine
Nays:       Travasos
Absent:     Guidry

Other Business:
The meeting dates for the year 2021 were set as the 4th Wednesday of each month.

Points of Personal Privilege:  None

Announcements:  None

A motion was made by Commissioner Purnell to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Perkins to adjourn.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.

/s/Patricia Gaudet Thibodaux, Recording Secretary

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