Minutes of the Brusly Landmark & Heritage Commission – October 21, 2013
A meeting of the Brusly Landmark and Heritage Commission was held on Monday October 21, 2013, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana.
Chairman Rills called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Commissioner Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Commission Chairman: Jim Rills
Commission Members: Billy Bourgeois, Margaret Canella, Sara Grady, Shirley Jordan, Henry Soniat
Advisory Members: Brian Falcon, Billy Hebert
Absent: Rose Jackson, Kevin Durbin
Others present: Joanne Bourgeois
Upon motion of Commissioner Bourgeois; seconded by Commissioner Canella, the minutes of the July 15, 2013 meeting were approved as written.
Landmark Plaque Applications: None
Brusly Council Member Joanne Bourgeois presented a historical marker design for the Commission to consider for former Landmark sites around Town. The design would consist of a bronze plaque approximately, 6 inches by 9 inches, attached to a decorative post. It was also noted that aluminum plaques could be used as an alternative.
Commissioner Grady motioned to set the 2014 meeting dates of the Landmark & Heritage Commission as follows:
• January 27, 2014
• April 21, 2014
• July 21, 2014
• October 20, 2014
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bourgeois. The motion passed unanimously.
Council Member Joanne Bourgeois reported that she had conducted the following oral history interviews in recent months: Mr. Curtis Dupuy, Mrs. Barbara Berthelot Simoneaux and Mrs. Edith Owens.
Ms. Bourgeois gave a brief update on replacing the “Welcome to Brusly” sign. Mr. Wayne Delapasse has contacted the LSU College of Architectural Design and the students are taking on the project of designing the sign.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bourgeois to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Canella. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Commission Chairman Rills adjourned the meeting at 6:42 P.M.
Patricia Gaudet, Secretary