Minutes of the Brusly Landmark & Heritage Commission – January 26, 2015
A meeting of the Brusly Landmark and Heritage Commission was held on Monday January 26, 2015, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana.
Chairman Rills called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Commissioner Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Commission Chairman: Jim Rills
Commission Members: Billy Bourgeois, Margaret Canella, Sara Grady, Rose Jackson, Shirley Jordan, Henry Soniat
Advisory Members: Billy Hebert
Absent: Brian Falcon, Kevin Durbin
Others present: Joanne Bourgeois
Upon motion of Commissioner Jackson; seconded by Commissioner Canella, the minutes of the October 20, 2014 meeting were approved as written.
Landmark Plaque Applications:
Brusly Council Member Joanne Bourgeois presented a Landmark Plaque application for the home located at 117 East Main Street. Ms. Bourgeois stated that the home was built by Landen & Myrtis Alexander, with lumber taken from the old Back Brusly Theater when it was demolished in the late 1940s. Landon Alexander served as an Alderman for the town of Brusly for many years and was later elected to the WBR Parish Police Jury. He held that position until his death in 1975, at which time his widow, Myrtis Parsons Alexander, was elected and served until her death in 1985. L. J. Boniol, the present owner, uses the home as rental property. A motion to recommend the house to the Town Council as a Landmark Plaque Recipient was made by Commissioner Bourgeois; seconded by Commissioner Canella. The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Bourgeois stated that several Landmark Plaque applications had been requested from home owners and these are expected to be submitted for consideration in the near future.
Chairman Rills reported on the Landmark Plaque Ceremony which had been held November 23, 2014. There were five homes that received Landmark Plaques and one home received special recognition for rehabilitation and preservation.
Other Business:
Commissioner Canella reported that the construction on the WBR Parish Levee Bike Trail Project would begin soon.
A motion was made by Commissioner Grady to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Jackson. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Commission Chairman Rills adjourned the meeting at 6:46 P.M.
/s/Patricia Gaudet Thibodaux, Secretary