November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – August 2022
August 8, 2022
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was called to order this date, August 8, 2022, at the Brusly Town Hall, at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor Scot Rhodes
Council Members: Rusty Daigle, Joanne Bourgeois, Don Neisler
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta, Jr.
Absent: Blake Tassin, Shane André
Recognitions & Commendations:
Mr. Zach Simmers, candidate for West Baton Rouge Sheriff introduced himself and briefly presented his qualifications for the position of WBR Sheriff.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of July 11, 2022, was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Works Committee:
Mayor Rhodes read the Public Works Report, as prepared by Public Works Supervisor Shane Sarradet, for the month of July. There were 5.7 inches of rainfall in the month; Parish canal levels remain low; Street overlay repairs of Orleans Qtr. is still in process; new grant application has begun for sewer improvements; brought to grade approximately 350’ of Ton-Ton Canal from near LA 1 to Venzule; 1 “out of compliance” test result on the Sewer Treatment Facility; 2 Landmark Plaques were installed at 395 & 449 LA 1 North; no personnel incidents to report for Maintenance Department.
Regular bulk trash will be picked up the week of August 8th. The extra trash pickup will be August 26th.
After a brief discussion, it was decided to defer a decision on signing a contract pertinent to landscaping for the Town.
Planning and Zoning Committee: None
Finance Committee:
Mayor Rhodes noted that the “Budget to Actual Comparison Report” for July, in the meeting packets, is available for Council Members to review.
Mr. Chris James of Tipton and Associates gave an update on the St. James Park Project. Council Member Bourgeois asked who had designed the signage at the park, stating that she considered the signs “ugly” and not reflective of the connection between the historic St. James Square to the park site. She further commented that there had been a Park Committee, but the design did not come before that committee.
After some discussion, a motion to approve the Change Order in the amount of $1,466.00 for dome drains and an additional 51 days to complete the St. James Park Project, was made by Council Member Neisler; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, a roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Neisler, Daigle, Bourgeois
Nays: None
Absent: Tassin, André
Personnel Committee:
A motion to approve the Town’s updated Sexual Harassment Policy, and place the policy on the Town’s website, was made by Council Member Daigle; seconded by Council Member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Recreation Committee: None
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affairs Committee:
A motion to appoint Brian Falcon as a member of the Landmark & Heritage Commission, was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing & Final Action on Ordinance: None
Introduction of Ordinances: None
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Rhodes, a motion to approve the Audit Questionnaire Resolution, with changes discussed, was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Police Department Report:
Police Department Report for the month of July was given by Assistant Chief Southon. There was one (1) abandoned vehicle, five (5) agency assist, ten (10) alarms, two (2) animal problems, three (3) assaults, one (1) civil incident, two (2) civil problems, two (2) damaged property, six (6) disturbances, one (1) harassment, two (2) juvenile problems, two (2) medical, two (2) miscellaneous, two (2) missing persons, seventeen (17) no insurance tows, one (1) obstructing police, two (2) suspicious activity/vehicle, two (2) traffic accidents, five (5) traffic problems, one (1) unlock, eight (8) warrants and three (3) welfare checks. For the month, there were 80 total events, 427 total citations and 598 total violations.
Through use of the recently installed Flock License Plate Camera System, there were 3 stolen cars recovered, 1 NCIC Warrant arrest, and 1 assist to other agencies, 2 stolen plates and 1 missing person.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Rhodes and Town Clerk Blaine Rabalais attended the recent LMA Convention in Lafayette. Mayor Rhodes met with WBR Parish officials who have agreed to do the work on the Venzule drainage upgrades. The Mayor announced that the school session has begun and advised everyone to be aware of the increased traffic. Mayor Rhodes reported that the Town experienced a 50-year rain event, having recorded 5.2 inches of rain in a 2-hour span of time. He also mentioned that Council Member Bourgeois informed him that the prospective site for a WBR Parish Library, on Highway 1 in Addis, had suffered water intrusion.
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Mr. Carroll Fontenot reported that the traffic lights on LA Hwy 1 were malfunctioning.
Mr. Joe Mancuso expressed concerns about the drainage on Allene Street.
Council Member Bourgeois suggested that we thank the family of Rod Prejean for their donation of a personal Town of Brusly flag and that the minutes note that the flag is on display in the meeting chamber.
September’s Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6 due to the Labor Day Holiday.
Council Member Daigle made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Bourgeois. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
/s/Scot Rhodes, Mayor /s/Blaine Rabalais, Town Clerk