Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, February 23, 2005
FEBRUARY 23, 2005
A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, February 23, 2005, in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson,
Shane Sarradet, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell.
Members absent: Rosa Stelly.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Joanne Bourgeois, Skipper Grady.
Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mr. Jules Thibodaux, the Minutes of the January 26, 2005 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no other business to come before the Planning Commission.
Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jules Thibodaux seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Planning Commission adjourned at 6:35 PM.
Debbie Thompson, Chairperson
February 23, 2005
A regular monthly meeting of the Brusly Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday, February 23, 2005, in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:36 PM.
Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson,
Shane Sarradet, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell.
Members absent: Rosa Stelly.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Joanne Bourgeois, Skipper Grady.
Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mr. Jules Thibodaux, the Minutes of the January 26, 2004 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Under other business, Mr. Skipper Grady was recognized. He presented a request for variances to obtain the right to acquire a building permit and proper road and utility access to a lot he owns on Blanchard Street within the Town of Brusly . Said lot being designated as Lot 6-A on “Final Plat of the Resubdivision of Lot 5, Less and Except the Eastern 12’ and Lot 6, Duraldville Subdivision into Lots 5-A & 6-A for George M. Grady”. Copies of the signed plat and a list of issues and variances were provided to each member for review. (A copy of the signed plat and list of the Issues and Variances as submitted, are attached to and made part of these minutes.) The issues and variances were read and discussed. It was determined that a public hearing is needed on the variances requested.
Mr. Jules Thibodaux made a motion to send Mr. Grady’s request for variances to public hearing. Mr. Carroll Fontenot seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Public Hearing to be held on March 23, 2005.
There was no other business to come before the Zoning Commission.
Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Shane Sarradet seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Zoning Commission adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Debbie Thompson, Chairperson
Planning & Zoning
Blanchard Street
(As submitted by Mr. Skipper Grady).
Building and Access Goals: To acquire through variances, the right to obtain a building permit for and proper road & utility accesses to my lot 6-A on Blanchard Street. My driveway will start at the end of the paved street and go directly on to my lot to the parking area.
Issues & Variances
1. Is the unpaved portion of Blanchard Street, fronting lot 6-A, town property or private property? There does not exist (as of 2/22/2005) a record of a dedication to the town per the Town Ordinance. In case this or any other legal form that may create a dedication to the Town, I request a variance to allow my building and access goals. If there is no dedication to the Town, the owner of lot 6-A has a servitude of “favor” that goes back to 1904 and I ask that a variance be granted to allow my building and access goals.
2. I want to build my driveway of concrete as wide as the existing road, no longer than 20’ in the right of way and will taper & curve immediately on to my lot at a safe contour for turning. Should the unpaved right of way be determined to be Town Property, I will build the driveway as stated but to a depth of 6 inches. I request this variance.
3. I request a variance so that I do not have to pave the Blanchard Street right of way beyond what is needed to turn my driveway onto my property.
4. The current street has no turn-around and I request a variance so that I do not have to create a turn-around.
5. Lot 6-A is zoned R-1, substandard in size and needs special set backs of 15’ from the right of way, 30’ front the east property line and 10’ from the west and north property lines. I request a variance for these items.
6. I request a variance to allow all utilities be allowed in the right of way. If the servitude is Town Property, the Town can give this variance and if it is private property, I have it in my servitude.
7. I request information concerning any other issues that would require a variance or Planning & Zoning approval to reach my Building & Access Goals.