Veteran’s Day 2004

Katie LeBlanc, 1st Place
A dictionary definition of a veteran is a former member of the armed forces. To me, a veteran is just that. A veteran is a very important person to our country that will never be forgotten. He or she has risked his or her life to defend our country.
My grandfather is a veteran that I know and love very dearly. His name is Leroy Cavaliere and he fought in World War II. He is very proud of what he did while at war and he wants his grandchildren to know about it. He knows exactly what the cost of freedom is. He lost many friends while defending our country. It is very hard for my grandfather to talk about all of this to us, but he still does. To him, it is something very important that we need to know.
Veterans should definitely be honored. They should be honored for everything they’ve done for our country. Without veterans, along with the members of the armed forces who have lost their lives, we would not be free today. These people need to be thanked and know that we appreciate everything they have done for us. We should honor them by having programs for them. They should also be able to share their war experiences with all of us, youth especially. Another way we could honor veterans is when we do see a veteran, tell him thank you. That’s the least we could do for these people who laid their lives on the line so that we could be free.
Erica Singleton, 2nd Place
What is a veteran? Webster’s Dictionary defines a veteran as a former member of the armed forces. It also defines a veteran as an old soldier of long service. To me, a veteran is someone who has laid his or her life on the line for his or her country and survived a war.
A veteran I know is my great uncle Harry Domingue. He served in the Vietnam War in the army. He died in 1991. I am happy to be related to him. Knowing that I am related to a veteran makes me proud. It makes me feel as if my family has helped in some way to make the country a better place.
We should honor veterans because if it were not for them, we may not be where we are today. It is because of veterans that we are now able to do the things we are able to do. We should honor veterans for their bravery and courage by holding a special program for the veterans. By doing this, others will know what the veterans have done and sacrificed for their country.
Alexis Jones, 3rd Place
One may ask the question,”What is a Veteran?” The dictionary’s definition of a veteran is a person who has served in the armed forces. Through my eyes, a veteran is far more than that. Veterans are America’s brave souls that have risked it all for our nation.
During my lifetime, I’ve had the opportunity only once to speak personally with a veteran. Last year, my English class was given the chance to speak with Mr. Claude J. Letulle, author of Nightmare Memoir. It was a very touching experience to hear this man’s story. I admired hem for his courage. My first personal encounter with a veteran was a memory that will always be cherished.
November 11 should be more than just waving flags. We should truly honor our heroes. A great way to honor our veterans is by having a parade for Veterans Day. Some of the town’s Veterans should also give speeches because people truly do want to hear their stories.
Why Should We Honor Veterans?
Why should we honor veterans?
Some replies from Brusly High students in AP Civics class taught by Gary Soniat…..
…we should do more to express our gratitude….we only recognize them for a single day,but we get to enjoy the freedoms they gave us for a lifetime…
…our country might not be what it is today if it weren’t for our veterans….just saying “thank you” or recognizing what they have done for us and our country would honor them…
…I am honored to fly the American flag not only on Veteran’s Day, but on every day.All Americans should be proud to be part of this great free country. The least we can do is honor veterans who have fought…for us…
…they have gone above and beyond what was asked of them. They “did not ask what their country could do for them, but what they could for the country” as John F. Kennedy once stated. Now THAT is a veteran…
…they fought for us and what we believe in….by hanging a flag, we show veterans that we are proud of them…
…veterans should be thanked for their courage…
…veterans have risked their lives for freedom….they should forever be remembered…
…honoring our veterans shows them that we care about what they have done….
….if I were a veteran, a simple handshake or a “thank you” would make me proud to know that you respect me and realize what I have done for…our country…
…we should honor veterans because they are the reason why our country is … free …
…on 2004’s Veteran’s Day, we should not only honor those…who have already fought,but those who will become veterans…
…we should honor all veterans by supporting them …they joined the military knowing that they could give the ultimate sacrifice for our country. If that doesn’t deserve our honor, I don’t know what does….
…we should thank God for veterans…
…veterans fought to uphold the values that our country is based on and that we cherish… may God bless all veterans and keep them in His loving care for eternity…