Roy Mouch is presenting a check from the "Fabulous Fifties," a group of Brusly High…
Cub Scout Pack 39 Blue and Gold Banquet
Each year throughout the United States, Cub Scout packs celebrate the birthday of Scouting in America with the Blue and Gold Banquet. The color blue signifies the sky, truth, spirituality and loyalty. Gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer and happiness. Together they symbolize what Cub Scouting is all about. Pack 39, chartered at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Brusly, held it’s annual Blue and Gold Banquet on March 8. The theme for the banquet was “Duty to Country”, a phrase which can be found throughout scouting.
Byron Thomas (2003 Cub Scout graduate) welcomed scouts, families, and guests and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Richard Rabalais, Unit Commissioner, gave the invocation. Jackie Robicheaux Kulcke was the guest speaker for the event.
Philip Jeanfreau, Choctaw District Executive, presented the first awards of the evening. He presented the pack with a “Quality Unit” award ribbon and announced that the pack has also qualified for the “Scouting in the News” award. Accepting the ribbon were Cubmaster Joe Anderson and Committee Chairperson Sabrina Eilers. Eric Bucholtz and Jarhett Theriot of BSA Troop 38 in Port Allen were given Den Chief Service awards for their contributions to Pack 39 during the year.
The Tiger Cub badge was awarded to Lance Budd, Kolby Humphreys, Noah Landry, and Blade LeJeune. This badge is awarded to a Tiger Cub who has completed five achievements in each of three areas: den activity, family activity and Go See It.
Brandon Anderson, Layton Eilers, Terry George, Kameron LeBlanc, Bryce Orillion and Eric Reason earned their Wolf Badge by passing twelve achievements involving physical and mental skills. Among other things, these boys learned how to handle tools and how to display the flag. They are physically active and like to read. They obey our country’s laws and worship God.
When a Cub Scout reaches third grade, he begins walking the “big bear trail”. On that trail he finds and conquers twelve challenging achievements in the categories of God, Country, Family and Self. Avery Chase and Deven Richard earned their Bear Badge. Donovan Cullum was recognized for the progress he is making toward Bear.
In the fourth and fifth grade, Cub Scouts are brought into the tribe of Webelos. Webelos stand for “we will be loyal scouts”. In the tribe of Webelos, boys prepare themselves for Boy Scouting. Webelos work on 20 different activity badges from five skill groups: physical, mental, outdoors, community and technical skills. To earn the Webelos badge, a scout must earn the fitness pin and two others. Byron Thomas was awarded the Webelos badge and was presented with a graduation certificate. Byron has chosen to stay in scouting, and crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 38 on February 22.
The evening concluded with the presentation of the “Pack Pride” award certificate and pin. Cubmaster Joe Anderson presented the award to Terry George for demonstrating heroism and life saving skills during a trailer house fire last spring.
Jarhett Theriot closed the evening with a prayer.