Veteran’s Day 2003
The Town of Brusly hosted a Veteran’s Appreciation Reception at the Brusly Town Hall on Tuesday, November 11, 2003. The Council chamber was decorated with balloons and flowers in patriotic colors of red, white and blue. A large floral centerpiece created by Helen Thibodeaux served as the central decoration on the serving table. Next to it were food trays and a large cake decorated with the day’s theme stating “Thank You Veterans.”
Mayor Joey Normand opened the program by greeting and welcoming approximately 150 guests in attendance. Harvey Blanchard led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by an invocation given by Reverend Matt Dupre, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Jules Lefeaux, Brusly Town Clerk and Veteran, read a moving essay entitled “What Is a Vet?” Guests then heard comments from Col. Tom Acosta who recently returned from active service in Kuwait. Closing comments were given by Brusly Councilwoman Joanne Bourgeois followed by group singing of God Bless America led by Brusly resident Claudette Purnell.
Special guests in attendance included members of the Addis VFW Post and members of the McKinley Bourg American Legion Post of Port Allen.
Guests were treated to a PowerPoint presentation featuring hundreds of photos taken by Lt Col David Couvillon during his tenure as a Provincial Governor in Iraq. He was not able to attend the reception due to a prior commitment, but was present through his photos.
Serving on the planning committee for the event were Mayor Normand, Councilwoman Bourgeois, Genie Hendry, Lillie Mabile, Debbie Berthelot and LaTasha Martin.
Special assistance was given by Jocelyn Gauthreaux, Vera Lucas, Mary Althea Parker, Ella Dean Thibodeaux and Lois Rivet, members of the Addis Historical Association.