Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, September 22, 2004
SEPTEMBER 22, 2004
A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson,
Rosa Stelly, Shane Sarradet, Claudette Purnell.
Members absent:: Leslie Crockett.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Don Neisler, Mayor Joey Normand,
Joanne Bourgeois, Chris Kershaw, Cletus Langlois,
Andy Dupuy, and a small group of interested citizens.
Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mr. Jules Thibodaux, the minutes of the August 25, 2004 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing:
• “Map Showing Resubdivision of East Half of Lot 3, North 35 ft. of Lot A & Lot C into Lots 3E-A & A-1 for Iberville Bank”.
Mr. Cletus Langlois with Patin Engineers presented the request for Iberville Bank. The plat was reviewed and it was noted that a utility servitude was added for Lot A-1 as requested. Mr. Langlois also noted that the servitude of passage has been extended for access to the rear of Lot 3E-A. The Chairman requested an opinion from Mr. Don Neisler, the Director of Planning & Zoning on the need for variances. He stated that since this division is taking two principle structures located on one lot on and placing them on two separate lots and the rear setback is an existing condition there is no need for a variance.
There was no opposition to this division of property. Mr. Jules Thibodaux made a motion to recommend that the Town Council approve “Map Showing Resubdivision of East Half of Lot 3, North 35 ft. of Lot A & Lot C into Lots 3E-A & A-1 for Iberville Bank” due to the geometrics of the property and existing conditions. Mrs. Rosa Stelly seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Under other business the commission discussed a request from Mr. Andy Dupuy for revocation of a certain tract of land measuring 40’ x 200’ more or less in Section 14, T8S, R12E, West Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana. He stated that Mr. Robert Hebert, Sr., his great grandfather, developed Hebert Subdivision and this tract was left as an unnumbered portion of the subdivision to be used as servitude of passage to adjoining properties if needed. He stated that this servitude ends at the north line of the Hebert property and was never utilized. He purchased the property from the Robert Hebert, Sr. heirs and has been approached by the owner of Lot 12, Hebert Subdivision to purchase the tract and make it part of lot 12.
Mr. Don Neisler stated that this is an unused parcel of property and the revocation of the servitude would increase the size of Lot 12, Hebert Subdivision. He saw no problem with this and advised the Commission that there is no need for a public hearing.
Mrs. Claudette Purnell made a motion to recommend that the Town Council revoke any rights the Town of Brusly might have to “ a certain tract of land measuring 40’ x 200’ more or less in Section 14, T8S, R12E, Greensburg Land District, West Baton Rouge Parish Louisiana” being a portion of R. Hebert Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Rosa Stelly and carried unanimously.
Mayor Joey Normand was recognized. He advised that he has received a letter from Mr. Leslie Crockett resigning his appointment to the Planning & Zoning Commission. A replacement has not been appointed at this time.
There was no other business to come before the Planning Commission.
Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Shane Sarradet seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Planning Commission adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Debbie Thompson, Chairperson
SEPTEMBER 22, 2004
A regular monthly meeting of the Brusly Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:51 PM.
Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson,
Rosa Stelly, Shane Sarradet. Claudette Purnell,
Members absent: Leslie Crockett.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Don Neisler, Mayor Joey Normand,
Joanne Bourgeois, Chris Kershaw, Cletus Langlois,
Andy Dupuy, and a small group of interested citizens.
Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mr. Shane Sarradet, the Minutes of the August 25, 2004 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no other business to come before the Zoning Commission.
Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jules Thibodaux seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Zoning Commission adjourned at 6:53 PM.
Debbie Thompson, Chairperson