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Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday May 27, 2009 in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. Chairman Shane Sarradet called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Shane Sarradet, Rosa Stelly, Gary Soniat, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell.

Members absent: None
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Mayor Joey Normand, Joanne Bourgeois, Chris Kershaw, Tom Acosta, Allen David, Bobby Lee, Jennifer Lee, Rodney Varnell, and a group of local residents from the First and East Main Streets area.

Upon motion by Mr. Fontenot, seconded by Mr. Thibodaux, the minutes of the April 22, 2009 meeting were approved as written.


No Business.


1. VARIANCE REQUEST – Allen J. David requesting a servitude encroachment variance at 1837 Orleans Quarters Drive.

Mr. David was recognized. He stated that he built a storage building measuring 16’x16’ at the rear or south side of his home and was not aware that he encroached upon the drainage servitude. He believed the servitude to be 12 feet. Mayor Joey Normand was recognized. He verified that the servitude is 25 feet and advised that the Town has no objection to the encroachment since culverts have been installed in the drainage ditch.

Mr. Fontenot made a motion to recommend approval of the variance to the Town Council. Mrs. Purnell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


2. VARIANCE REQUEST – Bobby & Jennifer Lee requesting a Front Foot Variance for property located at 401 N. Kirkland Drive.

Mr. Lee was recognized. He stated that their issue is the width of the property (66’ x 259’). He stated that they would like to remove the older home presently located on the property and build a new residence there.

Mrs. Stelly and Mr. Sarradet suggested that instead of a variance, the Lees should request a rezoning to R-2 in order to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance. A discussion followed on rezoning verses variance. Mr. Lee stated that they were not in a hurry and will do whatever it takes.

The request was tabled for review.



3. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE NO. 2 OF 2009 (REZONING REQUEST) – pursuant to LA R.S. 33:4724 and 33:4726.

Request: Re-Zoning From R-2 (Single-Family Residential) To C-1 (Light Commercial)
Address: 256 East Main Street, Brusly
Property: Lot 1, Square 20 Molaisonville, Town Of Brusly, Containing 0.846 Acres, More or Less belonging To Estates of Alex & Clelia Hebert (Requested by Rodney Varnell, Co-owner).

The Chairman opened the public hearing and called on Mr. Varnell, representative for the Hebert Heirs, to present his request. Mr. Varnell stated that this family property has been tied up since the death of his aunt and when they received an offer from Mr. Aaron Daniel they decided to pursue it. Mr. Daniel proposes to purchase the property and relocate his pharmacy business if it is rezoned.

Six residents from the surrounding area of First and East Main Streets were recognized, and separately, each stated they would like to see the area remain residential and they oppose the rezoning. One concern cited is that there is no guarantee what could be located there once the property is rezoned.

There was no further discussion. The Chairman closed the public hearing at 6:50 PM. and called for a motion.

Mrs. Stelly made a motion to recommend denial of the rezoning request to the Town Council. Mrs. Purnell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously with a roll call vote of seven (7) yeas.

There was no other business to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Mr. Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Perkins seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 6:55 PM.



Marianne Berthelot, Secretary

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