Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, May 23, 2012
MAY 23, 2012
A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday May 23, 2012 in the Council Chambers, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. Chairperson Rosa Stelly called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Kim Lemoine, Ronda Perrault, Rosa Stelly, Jeff Travasos,
Gary Soniat,
Members absent: Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Wayne Delapasse,
Town Attorney Tom Acosta, Joanne Bourgeois,
Don Neisler, Landess Hebert, Cletus Langlois,
Gordon Hebert, Richard Hebert, Shawn Hima, Woody Triche.
Upon motion by Mr. Lemoine seconded by Mr. Travasos, the Minutes of the April 25, 2012 meeting were approved as written.
• No Zoning matters were submitted.
• “Final Plat Showing the Resubdivision of Property Designated as Lot A & Lot B-1-A of the Original Joe Tuminello Property into Lots B-1-A-1 & B-1-A-2 for Gordon & Richard Hebert”.
Mrs. Stelly recognized Cletus Langlois, Patin Engineers & Surveyors. He explained that the re- subdivision is an exchange of property between adjacent property owners. A public hearing was set for the June 27, 2012 meeting.
• Public Hearing: Preliminary Plat of Orleans West Subdivision.
Mrs. Stelly opened the public hearing and explained that due to failure to meet the 90-day deadline for submission of construction plans the developer had to re-submit the preliminary plat. Shawn Hima with Alvin Fairburn and Associates was recognized. He presented the plat explaining that the present plat shows a decrease in the number of lots due to the need to add retention ponds for drainage purposes. He was advised that the present plat did not show two stipulations that were requested contingent for approval when the original preliminary plat was recommended for approval at the October 5, 2011 special meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Taken from the minutes of that meeting, the stipulations are: “address the block measurements by (1) requiring the developer to add a right-of-way between the last one shown and the cul-de-sac which begins at the east line of the H. L. Laws property and (2) state that the reason for the 960’ block is to connect with the right-of-way from Allene Street”. Mr. Hima agreed to make the corrections.
The Recording Secretary advised members that the revised plat was forwarded to the Water Works District #2 office for review and to the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department. The Water Department had no objections. The Fire Department had one request: “on general note #9, an additional sentence should state that the fire hydrants shall be of Mueller model 425-A double steamer and also that the finished paving of the road shall have blue road reflectors placed directly in front of the hydrant, four (4) feet from the road shoulder. “ Upon advice from the Town Attorney, it was determined that this matter can be addressed in the Construction Plans. There was no further discussion and no objections to this subdivision plat.
Mrs. Stelly closed the public hearing at 6:45 PM and called for the wishes of the commission.
Mrs. Perrault made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Orleans West Subdivision Plat contingent upon the addition of the two stipulations addressed at the October 5, 2011 Special Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission: (1) add a right-of-way between the last one shown and the cul-de-sac which begins at the east line of the H. L. Laws Property and (2) state that the reason for the 960’ block is to connect with the right-of-way from Allene Street”. Mr. Soniat seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Under other business, the Recording Secretary noted that copies of the revised Planning & Zoning Commission By-Laws approved at the April 25, 2012 meeting were distributed to each member.
Under remarks of personal privilege, Town Council Member Don Neisler referred back to the plat “Resubdivision of Property Designated as Lot A & Lot B-1-A of the Original Joe Tuminello Property into Lots B-1-A-1 & B-1-A-2 for Gordon & Richard Hebert”. He stated that based upon the Town Ordinance for subdivisions not fronting on a public street, the lot B-1-A-1 should have a variance for lot size. Mr. Langlois was asked to add the variance request to the plat.
There was no other business to come before the commission.
Mr. Travasos made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Lemoine seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 6:48 PM.
Patricia Gaudet, Recording Secretary
Approved by Commission 06/27/12