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Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, March 23, 2016

MARCH 23, 2016

The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, March 23, 2016, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chair Person Perrault called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Commissioner Guidry led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Chair Person: Ronda Perrault
Commissioners: Steve Guidry, Kim LeMoine, Claudette Purnell, Jeff Travasos
Absent: Steve Perkins, Gary Soniat

A motion to approve the minutes of February 24, 2016 regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning, as written, was made by Commissioner LeMoine and seconded by Commissioner Travasos. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Chairperson Perrault opened the public hearing for the rezoning request from R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to B-1 (Transition) for Travis LeMoyne at 1331 W. Main St. Ms. Rosa Stelly, Mr. Landess Hebert and Ms. Jane Caillouet spoke in opposition to the rezoning, stating concerns about traffic safety and the majority of residential property in the area. Mr. Clayton Hebert spoke in support of the rezoning request.

Mr. Travis LeMoyne explained his plans for the property upon the request of Commissioners. Mr. LeMoyne explained he would like to build a snowball stand positioned on the back corner of the property, which would allow for parking.

Hearing no further comments or questions Chairperson Perrault closed the public hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission. A motion to recommend denial of the rezoning to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Guidry; seconded by Commissioner LeMoine. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Purnell, Travasos, Guidry, LeMoine, Perrault
Nays: None
Absent: Soniat, Perkins

Chair Person Perrault read aloud the Variance Request from Donald Braud at 1501 Orleans Quarters Dr. for Non-Compliance – Sec. 19.6 Servitude Encroachment – to build a patio. After a brief discussion, Commissioner LeMoine offered a motion to recommend approval to the Town Council; seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The motion passed unanimously.

Other Business: None

Remarks of Personal Privilege: None

Announcements: None

A motion was made by Commissioner Guidry to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Travasos. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:01 PM

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