Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday March 23, 2011 in the Council Chambers, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. Vice Chairman Carroll Fontenot called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Rosa Stelly, Gary Soniat.
Members absent: Shane Sarradet, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell.
Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Mayor Joey Normand, Joanne Bourgeois,
Tom Acosta, Kevin Berthelot, Donnie Jarreau, Jim Tatum,
Eric Mueller, and several residents of Brusly Oaks Subdivision.
Upon motion by Mrs. Stelly seconded by Mr. Thibodaux, the Minutes of the February 23, 2011 meeting were approved as written.
1) Variance Request: Kevin Berthelot – 138 Hebert Street Lot # 11, Hebert Subdivision
Mr. Berthelot was recognized. He explained that he wants to replace an existing shed with a larger one and it will extend to within three or four feet from the west property line of his lot. He submitted a plot plan showing the placement of the new shed and also a letter from his neighbor stating that she had no objection.
Mrs. Stelly made a motion to recommend approval of the variance. Mr. Thibodaux seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
2) Public Hearing: River Mill Reserve – West St. Francis Street – request for rezoning of Tract X-4-A-1-A and Tract X-4-A-2, portion of Additions to Cinclare Plantation, located in Sections 15 & 16, T8S, R12E, Southeastern Land District, West Baton Rouge Parish from R-6 (Town Home Residential) to R-5 (Zero Lot Line Residential) for Ace Holdings, LLC.
Mr. Fontenot opened the public hearing. Mr. Jim Tatum of Tatum Engineers was recognized. He explained that they came before the Commission previously with a proposal to build Town Homes on the remainder of the First Filing – Lots 14 thru 27 and the Second Filing – Lots 101 thru 124 and due to concerns regarding the existing Town Homes; they reconsidered and instead are proposing a Zero Lot Line Subdivision. He stated that they feel this is a good transitional and reasonable use of the property and advised that the number of lots has been reduced and the size of the lots exceeds the requirement.
Mr. Fontenot, the Vice Chairman asked if anyone had any comments or objections. Concerns were expressed regarding the lack of sales for the existing town homes causing them to turn into rentals. Mr. Tatum was asked if they could give assurance that there would be no more rentals. The following citizens, all residents of Brusly Oaks Subdivision stated that they wished to go on record as opposing the rezoning: Steve Taylor, Bill Mason, Marty Fitzgerald and Herman Deculus.
Mr. Tatum, while addressing the concerns, reminded everyone that the property is presently zoned for town homes and based on the current zoning the developer can continue with his town home development.
The mayor was recognized. He disagreed with Mr. Tatum’s assertion that town homes could be built simply because the property was already zoned for town homes. He advised that there is a process to go through beginning with plat approval and they would have to submit a revised plat and go through the public hearing process again.
There was no further discussion and the public hearing was closed.
Mrs. Stelly made a statement that she has concerns that this development is not proper for the Town of Brusly and is not happy with the existing River Mill Town Home Development and the rentals. She recommended denying the rezoning.
Mr. Fontenot called for a motion.
Motion was made by Mrs. Stelly to recommend that the Town Council deny the rezoning request. Mr. Thibodaux seconded the motion and it carried unanimously with a roll call vote of four yeas.
1) Public Hearing: River Mill Reserve – West St. Francis Street Request for Preliminary Plat approval for River Mill Reserve, Phase 2, Zero Lot Line Residential Development – Remainder of First Filing – Lots 14 thru 27 – Second Filing – Lots 101 thru 124. Being Tract X-4-A-1-A and Tract X-4-A-2, portion of Additions to Cinclare Plantation, located in Sections 15 & 16, T8S, R12E, Southeastern Land District, West of the Mississippi River, West Baton Rouge Parish for Ace Holdings, LLC.
Mr. Fontenot opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Tatum was recognized and again referred to the reduced number of lots being proposed. He stated that the Zero Lot Line Development makes for a good transitional use between the existing commercial and residential uses.
Comments and opposition was again received from the Brusly Oaks residents in attendance.
Mr. Fontenot closed the public hearing and called for a motion.
Mrs. Stelly made a motion to recommend that the Town Council deny approval of the Preliminary Plat of River Mill Reserve, Phase 2, Zero Lot Line Residential Development. Mr. Thibodaux seconded the motion and it carried unanimously with a roll call vote of four yeas.
There was no other business to come before the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Mr. Thibodaux made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Soniat seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Marianne Berthelot, Secretary