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Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, June 25, 2003

June 25, 2003

A regular meeting of the Brusly Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:35 P.M.

Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson, Rosa Stelly, Henry Couvillon, Claudette Purnell.

Members absent: Leslie Crockett.

Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Don Neisler, Mayor Joey Normand, Joanne Bourgeois, Kim Lemoine, Jim Tatum, Jason Safford, Mr. & Mrs. Danny Rabalais, Dane D’Armond, Trey Allain.


Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mrs. Rosa Stelly, the minutes of the May 28, 2003 regular meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Jim Tatum from Tatum Engineers, gave an update on the Brusly Oaks Subdivision and answered questions from the audience. One change eliminating the drainage ditch to the south was noted and plans are that it will be dug when needed. There were no geometric changes to the plat since approval of the preliminary plat. Projected completion of the first phase is the end of July or first of August.

There was no other business to come before the Planning Commission.

Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Rosa Stelly seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

The meeting of the Planning Commission adjourned at 6:50 P.M.


Debbie Thompson, Chairperson


June 25, 2003

A regular monthly meeting of the Brusly Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 in the Council Meeting Room, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Debbie Thompson at 6:51 P.M.

Members present: Jules Thibodaux, Carroll Fontenot, Debbie Thompson, Rosa Stelly, Henry Couvillon, Claudette Purnell.

Members absent: Leslie Crockett.

Others present: Marianne Berthelot, Don Neisler, Mayor Joey Normand, Joanne Bourgeois, Kim Lemoine, Jim Tatum, Jason Safford, Mr. & Mrs. Danny Rabalais, Dane D’Armond, Trey Allain.


Upon motion of Mr. Carroll Fontenot, seconded by Mrs. Rosa Stelly, the minutes of the May 28, 2003 regular meeting were approved as written. Motion carried unanimously.

Rezoning Request:

• Rezoning of the Hubbard H. Peavy property located at 408 East Main Street, from B-1 (Transitional District) to R-3 (Single Family Residential). Said property described as the East ½ of Lots 5 & 6, Square 15, Town of Brusly.

Mr. Trey Allain the prospective buyer of the property was present and presented a sketch of the type of home he plans to build on the lot. He has approval of the family for this request with an agreement to purchase contingent upon approval of the rezoning. There was no further discussion. Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to send this request to Public Hearing. Mrs. Rosa Stelly seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Public Hearing will be held at the next regular meeting in July.

There was no other business to come before the Zoning Commission.

Mr. Carroll Fontenot made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Rosa Stelly seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

The meeting of the Zoning Commission adjourned at 6:56 P.M.


Debbie Thompson, Chairperson

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