Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, December 18, 2013
December 18, 2013
The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, December 18, 2013 at the Brusly Town Hall. Chairperson Rosa Stelly called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Commissioner LeMoine led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Chairperson: Rosa Stelly
Commissioners: Kim LeMoine, Gary Soniat, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell
Absent: Ronda Perrault, Jeff Travasos
Others present included Joanne Bourgeois, Don Neisler, Wes Atchinson, Scott Rills, Cheryl Ardeneaux, Luke Stein, Rusty Daigle, Tommy Gascon, Jim Tatum and Cletus Langlois.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Planning & Zoning regular meeting of November 20, 2013 as written was made by Commissioner Soniat and seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The minutes were approved unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING – Re-subdivision with variance – 953 West Main Street:
Final Plat Showing the Re-subdivision of a Parcel of Land (Located at 953 W. Main St.) into Lots SBG-1 & SBG-2 Located in Sec. 14, Township 8 South, R12 East S.E. Land District, West of the Mississippi River, Town of Brusly, Parish of WBR, State of LA and Variance Request for Non-Compliance of Sec. 19.31.1 Zoning District R-1 to reduce the side setback to 0 for Shirley Boudreaux Guidry ET. ALS.
Chairperson Stelly opened the public hearing and recognized Cletus Langlois, Patin Engineers & Surveyor, representing Shirley Boudreaux Guidry. Mr. Langlois explained the purpose of the re-subdivision was to build a house for Mrs. Guidry’s daughter. Mr. Langlois also explained that variance request was to accommodate an existing shed on the property. After calling for any comments Chairperson Stelly closed the public hearing and turned it over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to recommend the variance to the Town Council was made by Commissioner LeMoine; seconded by Commissioner Soniat.
A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: LeMoine, Stelly, Soniat, Perkins, Purnell
Nays: None
Absent: Perrault, Travasos
After calling for any comments Chairperson Stelly turned the matter of the re-subdivision over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to recommend the re-subdivision to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Purnell; seconded by Commissioner Perkins. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Stelly, Soniat, Perkins, Purnell, LeMoine
Nays: None
Absent: Perrault, Travasos
PUBLIC HEARING – Revised Final Plat – River Mill Reserve, Second Filing:
Revised Final Plat of River Mill Reserve, Second Filing – Phase 1 – Lots 14 thru 23 into Lots 14 thru 23-A – Located in Sec. 15, Township 8 South, R12 East S.E. Land District, West of the Mississippi River, WBR Parish, LA for DSLD, LLC
Chairperson Stelly opened the public hearing and recognized Jim Tatum of Tatum Engineering, representing DSLD, LLC. Mr. Tatum explained the subdivision was originally approved with 10 lots and they were asking to shift the property lines, making larger lots, going to 9 lots. After calling for any comments Chairperson Stelly turned the matter over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to recommend the re-subdivision to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Soniat; seconded by Commissioner LeMoine. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Soniat, Perkins, Purnell, LeMoine, Stelly
Nays: None
Absent: Perrault, Travasos
PUBLIC HEARING – Subdivision with Variance Request – Orleans West Subdivision Second Filing: Preliminary Plat Orleans West Subdivision Second Filing, Located in Sec. 55, T8S – R12E, SED, WBR Parish, LA and Variance Request for Non-Compliance – Sec. 19.10 (d) Dead-end Streets (cul-de-sac) for DAGR, LLC.
Chairperson Stelly opened the public hearing and called for anyone to speak on behalf of the request. Hearing no comments from the public Chairperson Stelly closed the public hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to table for lack of representation was made by Commissioner LeMoine; seconded by Commissioner Purnell. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Perkins, Purnell, LeMoine, Stelly, Soniat
Nays: None
Absent: Perrault, Travasos
Zoning: None
Other Business: None
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Rhonda Cazes asked for information on the proper procedures to follow to request a mobile home variance. Chairperson Stelly directed Mrs. Cazes to fill out a variance request application and submit it at the next Planning & Zoning Meeting.
Chairperson Stelly announced her resignation from the Planning & Zoning Commission, stating this would be her last meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Purnell to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner LeMoine. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:42 PM.
Patricia Gaudet, Recording Secretary