Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, October 28, 2015
OCTOBER 28, 2015
The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, October 28, 2015, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chairman LeMoine called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Commissioner Perkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Chairman: Kim LeMoine
Commissioners: Steve Perkins, Ronda Perrault, Claudette Purnell, Jeff Travasos
Absent: Steve Guidry, Gary Soniat
A motion to approve the minutes of August 26, 2015 regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning, as written, was made by Commissioner Travasos and seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Public Hearing – Rezoning Request:
Chairman LeMoine read aloud and opened the public hearing for the Rezoning Request from R-6 (Town House Residential) to R-5 (Zero Lot Line Residential) River Mill Reserve Third Filing – Lots 24 thru 49 Zero Lot Line Residential Development being Tract “X-4-A-1-A” & Tract “X-4-A-2-A” Portion of Additions to Cinclare Plantation, Located in Sec. 15 & 16, Township 8 South, Range 12 East, Southeastern Land District, West of the Mississippi River, West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana for Ace Holdings, LLC.
Jim Tatum with Tatum Engineering Consultants, representing Donnie Jarreau and Ace Holdings LLC, presented the request for rezoning to the Commission and offered to answer any questions posed.
Mr. Paul Tschirky, a neighboring resident, introduced himself stating that although the change in zoning would be an improvement, he still had concerns. Mr. Tschirky expressed concerns about flooding, drainage, traffic, and the development not matching the overall character of the Town of Brusly.
Mr. Tatum reassured Mr. Tskirky that the existing storm water detention pond was originally designed to adequately handle the additional development in the area.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman LeMoine closed the public hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission. Commissioner Perrault offered a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to the Town Council; seconded by Commissioner Perkins. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing – Preliminary Plat:
Chairman LeMoine read aloud and opened the public hearing for the Preliminary Plat for River Mill Reserve Third Filing – Lots 24 thru 49 Zero Lot Line Residential Development being Tract “X-4-A-1-A” & Tract “X-4-A-2-A” portion of Additions to Cinclare Plantation, Located in Sec. 15 & 16, Township 8 South, Range 12 East, Southeastern Land District, West of the Mississippi river, West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana for Ace Holdings, LLC.
Jim Tatum with Tatum Engineering Consultants, representing Donnie Jarreau and Ace Holdings LLC, presented the preliminary plat to the Commission and offered to answer any questions posed.
Mr. Paul Tschirky reiterated his concerns with this type of development not matching the overall character of the Town of Brusly.
Mr. Rick Spiller with Donnie Jarreau Commercial Real-estate spoke about positive aspects of the character of the development.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman LeMoine closed the public hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission. Commissioner Perrault offered a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to the Town Council; seconded by Commissioner Travasos. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing: Final Plat with Variance Request:
Chairman LeMoine read aloud the Request for Resubdivision of the Remainder of Lot A-4.1.B (of Lynn J. Pourciau Tract) into Lots A-4.1.B.3 & A-4.1.B.4 Located in Sec. 14, T-8-S, R-12-E, S.E. Land District, West of the Mississippi River Town of Brusly, Parish of West Baton Rouge State of La. For Sherry Elizabeth Lopez Pourciau and Non-Compliance – Sec. 19.8(a)(5)k – to allow more than 500 feet distance from the edge of the street right-of-way to the end of the private servitude of access and to allow 5 lots instead of the maximum 4 lots from the edge of the street right-of-way to the end of the private servitude of access. Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Cletus Langlois with Patin Engineers & Surveyors, representing Ms. Pourciau, presented the plat to the Commission and offered to answer any questions posed.
Commissioner Travasos expressed concerns about a large number of residential lots having access from the Richard Street cul-de-sac. Mr. Clay Hebert explained the reason for the lots accessing from Richard Street was because he and his two brothers were eventually going to build homes on three of the lots and would like to be able to build facing in the same direction.
After the discussion concluded, Chairman LeMoine closed the Public Hearing and a motion to recommend the resubdivision with the variances, contingent upon adequate fire hydrants being installed, was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Perkins. The motion passed with Commissioner Travasos recusing himself due to being a property owner of the adjourning property.
Other Business:
It was decided to set the dates for the November and December Planning & Zoning meetings on November 18, 2015 and December 16, 2015.
Chairman LeMoine called for any nominations of Officers to Planning & Zoning Commission. Chairman LeMoine nominated Ronda Perrault for Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning; seconded by Commissioner Travasos. Hearing no other nominations, Commissioner Perrault was unanimously voted in as Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Purnell nominated Jeff Travasos for Vice-Chair of the Planning & Zoning; seconded by Commissioner Perrault. Hearing no other nominations, Commissioner Travasos was unanimously voted in as Vice-Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Purnell nominated Gary Soniat for Secretary of the Planning & Zoning; seconded by Commissioner Perkins. Hearing no other nominations, Commissioner Soniat was unanimously voted in as Secretary of the Planning & Zoning.
Remarks of Personal Privilege: None
The date and time for Trick or Treat was changed to Oct. 30, 2015 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm due to anticipated rain on the 31st of October.
A motion was made by Commissioner Travasos to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM