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Town Minutes – June 2022

June 13, 2022
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana

The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was called to order this date, June 13, 2022, at the Brusly Town Hall, at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Tassin led the Pledge of Allegiance.    A roll call determined the following officials present:

Mayor                         Scot Rhodes
Council Members:         Rusty Daigle, Joanne Bourgeois, Blake Tassin, Shane André, Don Neisler
Town Attorney:            Thomas Acosta, Jr.
Absent:                         None

Recognitions & Commendations:  None

A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of May 9, 2022, was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting of May 23, 2022, was made by Council Member Neisler; seconded by Council Member André. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Public Works Committee:
Mayor Rhodes read the Public Works Report, as prepared by Public Works Supervisor Shane Sarradet, for the month of May. There were 4.5 inches of rainfall in the month; 1 SCADA alarm at our Wastewater Lift stations; 1 “out of compliance” test result on the Sewer Treatment Facility; fallen tree debris was removed from a drainage servitude; undersized culverts were removed under 3 driveways along E. St. Francis St. and replaced with proper sized culverts, the work was done by WBR Parish; overlay of Orleans Quarters Dr. was done, some smoothness & cosmetic issues are being addressed; several catch basin washouts repaired throughout town; no personnel incidents to report for Maintenance Department.

Regular bulk trash will be picked up the week of June 13th. The extra trash pickup will be June 24th.

Mayor Rhodes briefly updated progress being made on the St. James Square Park Project. The Mayor reported that the completion date on the park is set for July 11, 2022.

Mayor Rhodes reported that smoothness issues were being addressed on the Road Overlay project and the project should be completed before the end of the month.

Planning and Zoning Committee:
Mayor Rhodes read aloud the variance request of Kesha Clark, 368 River Mill Dr.-Non-Compliance Sec. 120-52, Servitude Encroachment to build a fence.  After a brief discussion, a motion to approve was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Tassin. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comments.  Hearing no comments, a roll call vote was had with the following results:

Yeas:                Tassin, André, Neisler, Daigle, Bourgeois
Nays:                None
Absent:            None

Finance Committee:
Mayor Rhodes noted that the “Budget to Actual Comparison Report” for May, in the meeting packets, is available for Council Members to review.

Personnel Committee:
Upon the recommendation of Chief Lefeaux, a motion to hire Tim Gilbert, retroactive to May 20, 2022, and Devin Byrd, retroactive to May 10, 2022, as a Part-Time Officers, at the rate of $16.50 an hour, was made by Council Member Tassin; seconded by Council Member André. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed unanimously.

Recreation Committee:  None

Police Committee: None

Governmental Affairs Committee:  None

Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None

Hearing & Final Action on Ordinance:
Ordinance 1 of 2022, to amend the appropriations Ordinance of 2021-2022; to provide relative to appropriations for the income and expenses of the Town was read aloud and opened for Public Hearing by Mayor Rhodes. Hearing no comments from the public, Mayor Rhodes directed the issue to the Council for consideration.    A motion to adopt Ordinance 1 of 2022, as discussed, was made by Council Member Daigle; seconded by Council Member André. A roll call vote was had with the following result:

Yeas:                Neisler, Daigle, Bourgeois, Tassin, André
Nays:                None
Absent:            None

Ordinance 2 of 2022, to amend the appropriations Ordinance of 2021-2022; to provide relative to appropriations for the income and expenses of the Sewer was read aloud and opened for Public Hearing by Mayor Rhodes. Hearing no comments from the public, Mayor Rhodes directed the issue to the Council for consideration.    A motion to adopt Ordinance 2 of 2022, as discussed, was made by Council Member Tassin; seconded by Council Member Bourgeois. A roll call vote was had with the following result:

Yeas:                Bourgeois, Tassin, André, Neisler, Daigle
Nays:                None
Absent:            None

Mayor Rhodes read aloud Ordinance 3 of 2022, to make appropriations for the expenses of the Town of Brusly for 2022-2023 and to provide relative to the expenditure of said appropriations.  Mayor Rhodes opened the public hearing. After the discussion, the Mayor closed the public hearing and directed the matter to the Council.  Council Member André moved to approve the Budget; seconded by Council Member Tassin.  The Mayor opened the floor for public comment.  Hearing no comments, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Yeas:                André, Neisler, Daigle, Bourgeois, Tassin
Nays:                None
Absent:            None

Ordinance 4 of 2022, to make appropriations for the expenses of the Town of Brusly Sewer System for 2022-2023 and to provide relative to the expenditure of said appropriations, was read aloud and opened for Public Hearing by Mayor Rhodes. Hearing no comments from the public, Mayor Rhodes directed the issue to the Council for consideration.    A motion to adopt Ordinance 4 of 2022 was made by Council Member Neisler; seconded by Council Member Daigle. A roll call vote was had with the following result:

Yeas:                Daigle, Bourgeois, Tassin, André, Neisler
Nays:                None
Absent:            None

Introduction of Ordinances: None

A motion was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Tassin, to approve Resolution 7 of 2022, declaring and approving a list of surplus vehicles for sale at Public Auction and for surplus outdated computer equipment to be destroyed prior to auction. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Police Department Report:
Police Department Report for the month of May was given by Lt. Fontenot. There was one (1) agency assist, four (4) alarms, three (3) civil incidents, two (2) civil problems, two (2) controlled substances, one (1) damaged property, four (4) disturbances, two (2) harassment, one (1) juvenile problem, two (2) medicals, three (3) miscellaneous, four (4) no insurance tows,  two (2) obstructing police, one (1) property watch, one (1) stolen property, four (4) suspicious activity/vehicle, one (1) theft, eight (8) traffic accidents, eight (8) traffic problems, one (1) warrant, one (1) weapons offense and seven (7) welfare checks.  For the month, there were 63 total events, 238 total citations and 321 total violations.

Through use of the recently installed Flock License Plate Camera System, there were 2 NCIC Warrant arrests, 2 stolen plates recovered, 3 stolen cars recovered and 2 assists to other agencies.

Mayor’s Report: 
Mayor Rhodes stated that Rick Ward resigned his seat in the State Senate, therefor there will be an election held to replace him. The Mayor also reported that the Mayor’s Court legislation addressing elimination of Mayor’s Court was defeated Such legislation had proposed that an assigned lawyer to be act as judge.  The LMA District H meeting will be held in Addis on June 14, 2022. The Joliet Trail Project has begun.

Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Joey Normand expressed concerns about the substandard job done for the past 2 years by the contractor who had submitted the lowest for the Town’s Road Overlay Project.

Council Member Bourgeois gave a brief recap of the Landmark Plaque Ceremony which was held June 12, 2022. Council Member Bourgeois reported that the Ceremony was well attended with 7 homes being awarded Landmark Plaques and 2 Former Landmark Sites were awarded signs.  Ms. Bourgeois thanked everyone that helped coordinate the program.  Council Member Bourgeois also expressed gratitude to the Maintenance Department for putting out the flags on the highway to commemorate Memorial Day, D -Day, Flag Day and the 4th of July.

WBR Parish Council Member Chris Kershaw presented a brief update on Parish projects.

Landmark & Heritage Plaque Ceremony was held June 12th at 3:30pm.
Hurricane Preparedness Meeting with be held June 16th at 11:30pm.
Town Hall will be closed on Monday July 4th for Independence Day.
Town Council Committee Meeting will be held Tuesday July 5th at 6:30pm.

Council Member André made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Tassin.  Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

/s/Scot Rhodes, Mayor                                       /s/Blaine Rabalais, Town Clerk

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