November 12, 2018 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – December 2018
December 10, 2018
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was called to order this date, December 10, 2018, at the Brusly Town Hall, at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Scot Rhodes
Council Members: Rusty Daigle, Joanne Bourgeois, Shane Andrè, Don Neisler
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta, Jr.
Absent: Terry Richard
After citing that the total calls reported on the November Police Department Report was incorrect, a motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of November 12, 2018, as written, was made by Council Member Bourgeois and seconded by Council Member André. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Recognitions & Commendations: None
Finance Committee:
Margaret Pritchard of Baxley & Associates presented the 2017/2018 Audit report to the Council.
Upon completion of the Audit Report, a motion to accept the Audit was made by Council Member Daigle; seconded by Council member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Mayor Rhodes referred to the “Budget to Actual Comparison Report” was included in the meeting packets for Council Members to review.
Upon recommendation of Mayor Rhodes, a motion to approve Liquor Licenses for Athenos, Back Brusly Grocery LLC, JW Food Mart, Las Palmas, La. Bayou Bistro and Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments, the motion passed unanimously.
Public Works Committee:
The Mayor presented the Public Works Report, as prepared by Public Works Supervisor Shane Sarradet, for the month of November. There were 4.6 inches of rainfall in the month; five alarms sounded at sewer lift stations; no “out of compliance” test result at the sewer treatment facility; one culvert program project completed on Venzule St.; replacement of old submersible pump at S. LaBauve lift station; installation of Christmas decorations.
Mayor Rhodes reported that road side debris pickup will occur this week, the second full week of the month.
Planning and Zoning Committee: None
Recreation Committee: None
Personnel Committee:
Following a recommendation from Mayor Rhodes, a motion to approve the prepared 2019 Holiday Schedule was made by Council Member Daigle; seconded by Council Member Andrè. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments, the motion passed unanimously.
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affairs Committee:
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing and Final Action on Ordinances:
Introduction of Ordinances: None
Resolutions: None
Police Department Report:
Police Department Report for the month of November was given by Asst. Chief Southon. There were seven (7) alarms, five (5) warrant arrests, two (2) assist to other agencies, one (1) civil complaints, six (6) miscellaneous complaints, three (3) disturbance calls, one (1) public assist, fifteen (15) no insurance tows, nine (9) crash reports, four (4) suspicious person/vehicle calls, two (2) battery, three (3) unlock calls, two (2) traffic complaints, one (1) hang-up 911 call, one (1) hit and run, one (1) burglary, three (3) thefts, one (1) improper telephone call, one (1) animal at large, one (1) DWI and one (1) disturbance. For the month, there were 70 total complaints, 110 total citations and 147 total violations.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Rhodes and Council Member Bourgeois attended the Keep West Baton Rouge Beautiful meeting in Addis. The Mayor also attended the monthly Chamber Meeting during which WBR School Superintendent Wes Watts spoke. Mayor Rhodes served as a member of the Student of the Year Interview Committee which interviewed 5th, 8th and 12th grade students. Mayor Rhodes thanked the Council, Town Clerk Blaine Rabalais and staff, Public Works Director Shane Sarradet and his crew, Chief Lefeaux along with the entire Police Department and Attorney Acosta for their support at this halfway point of his first term as Mayor.
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
All employees and elected officials are asked to attend Sexual Harassment Training Thursday December 13th at 6 PM.
The Town Hall will be closed for Christmas December 24th and 25th.
The Town Hall will be closed Monday January 1st for New Year’s Day.
There will be a Landmark & Heritage meeting January 21st at 6:30 PM.
A motion was made by Council Member André to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM.
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Scot Rhodes, Mayor Blaine Rabalais, Town Clerk