November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – September 2024
September 9, 2024
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was called to order this date, September 9, 2024, at the Brusly Town Hall, at 6:30 p.m., by Mayor Rhodes. Council Member Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Scot Rhodes
Council Members: Rusty Daigle, Joanne Bourgeois, Shane André, Don Neisler
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta, Jr.
Absent: Blake Tassin
Recognitions & Commendations:
Mayor Rhodes called for a moment of silence for Council Member Tassin and his family upon the tragic loss of his son.
A motion to approve minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of August 12, 2024, was made by Council Member Daigle; seconded by Council Member André. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Works Committee:
Mayor Rhodes read the Public Works Report for the month of August, prepared by Public Works Supervisor Shane Sarradet. There were 2.6 inches of rainfall in the month; 0 SCADA alarms at the Wastewater Lift Stations; 0 “out of compliance” test results on the Sewer Treatment Facility; cut 2 properties du to non-compliance (nuisance, grass); repaired sinkholes on Allene & Live Oak; Parish canal remains extremely low (below 3’); work has begun on Lagoon improvements; flags were put out for Labor Day & 9/11; cut away dead branches from old Oak Tree. More trimming needs to be done after September.
Regular bulk trash will be picked up the week of September 9th; the extra trash pickup will be September 27th.
Upon the recommendation of Toby Frugé of Owen & White, a motion to approve change order #1 of the WSP Sewer Lagoon Improvements Contract in the amount of $29,628.00, was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Upon the recommendation of Toby Frugé of Owen & White, Council Member André moved to accept the quote from Epic Paving, LLC in the amount of $142,913.75, for the 2024 Street Overlay project; seconded by Council Member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Planning and Zoning Committee:
Finance Committee:
Mayor Rhodes noted that the “Budget to Actual Comparison Report” for August, in the meeting packets, is available for Council Members to review.
After some discussion, Council Member André made a motion to authorize Mayor Rhodes to sign a purchase agreement for the property adjacent to St. James Park (128 S. Kirkland Dr.), in the amount of $84,700. The motion was seconded by Council Member Neisler. Mayor Rhodes opened the floor for public comment. After hearing comments, a roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Neisler, André
Nays: Bourgeois, Daigle
Absent: Tassin
Mayor Rhodes broke the tie by voting yes. Motion passed.
Personnel Committee: None
Recreation Committee: None
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affairs Committee:
There will be a Landmark & Heritage meeting on October 21st at 6:30pm.
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing & Final Action on Ordinances: None
Introduction of Ordinances: None
Resolutions: None
Police Department Report:
Police Department Report for the month of August was given by Police Chief Lefeaux. There were two (2) agency assists, five (5) assaults, one (1) burglary, three (3) controlled substances, one (1) damaged property, one (1) fire, two (2) fraud, one (1) kidnapping, one (1) medical, nine (9) no insurance tows, two (2) non UCR reportable, one (1) obstruct police, one (1) ordinance violation, one (1) public peace, two (2) public service, two (2) traffic (criminal violation), two (2) traffic accidents and four (4) welfare checks. For the month, there were 41 total events, 163 total citations and 230 total violations. No Flock activity to report.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Rhodes reported that the maintenance department is preparing for Tropical Storm/Hurricane Francine and self-fillable sandbags were available at Alexander Park. Please bring your own shovel. Mayor Rhodes attended the MERS conference in New Orleans.
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Mrs. Cindy Popleon introduced herself and as one of the founders of the Brusly Homecoming Parade asked Council Member Joanne Bourgeois to consider being this year’s Grand Marshal. Ms. Bourgeois thanked Ms. Popleon and accepted the honor of being this year’s Grand Marshal of the Brusly Homecoming Parade.
Council Member Bourgeois reported that plans for the Veteran’s Day celebrations are underway and, upon hearing from VFW representatives, she will report with dates and times for the Veteran’s Day Breakfast which the Town of Brusly hosts every year.
West Baton Rouge Remembers 9/11 event September 11th at 9:11am, at Port Allen Courthouse.
Market Day at St. James Park, September 14th at 10am.
Brusly High School Homecoming Parade, Sunday September 29th at 3pm.
Hazardous Material Collection Day, Saturday October 26th, 8am-Noon, at Alexander Park.
Council Member André made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Daigle. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.
/s/Scot Rhodes, Mayor /s/Blaine Rabalais, Town Clerk