October 14, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, September 9, 2013 at the Brusly Town Hall.
Council Member Neisler led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Joanne Bourgeois, Terry Richard, Shane André, Don Neisler
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta, Jr.
Absent: Scot Rhodes
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of August 12, 2013, was made by Council Member Bourgeois and seconded by Council Member André. Mayor Normand opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Works Committee:
Mayor Normand gave a brief update on the Capital Outlay Project, announcing that bids for the new Police Station would be opened on October 10, 2013. Mayor Normand also gave a brief update on the Allene Street Culvert Project.
Planning and Zoning Committee:
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 19.31.1 Zoning District R-1- Front Setback from DSLD, LLC for Orleans West Subdivision, Phase 2, to reduce the front setback from 30’ to 20’. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Richard. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 19.31.1 Zoning District R-1- Front Setback from DAGR, LLC for Orleans West Subdivision, Phase 3, to reduce the front setback from 30’ to 20’. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member Neisler; seconded by Council Member André. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 18.13 (c) Accessory Structures/Uses from Kirk Mancuso at 755 Venzule St. to add a shower to an accessory structure. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Richard. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 18.1 (8) Carport from Michael Martinez at 1760 Allene St. to reduce the setback from 18” to 0”. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Richard. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 19.31.1 Zoning District R-1- Rear Setback from Alcide Berthelot at 2403 Orleans Quarters Dr. to reduce the setback from 10’ to 0’ and to encroach upon the drainage servitude for the purpose of building a storage shed. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member Bourgeois; seconded by Council Member Neisler. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Normand read aloud a Variance Request for Non Compliance – Sec. 19.6 Drainage Servitude Encroachment for Alcide Berthelot at 2403 Orleans Quarters Dr. to encroach upon the servitude by 5’ for the purposes of building a screen porch on the rear of his house. The Variance having been favorably recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission, a motion to approve was made by Council Member Richard; seconded by Council Member Bourgeois. The Mayor opened the floor for public comments. Hearing no comments the motion passed unanimously.
Finance Committee: None
Personnel Committee: None
Recreation Committee: None
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affair Committee:
Council Member Bourgeois described a bronze plaque which had been created to be attached beneath the
French version of the Brusly, Louisiana State of Louisiana Historic marker outside Town Hall, dedicated in 2004.The plaque reads: “French Translation by Sylviane Finck, Teacher, Brusly High School, 1998-2011.”
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing and Final Action on Ordinances: None
Introduction of Ordinances: None
Resolutions and Commendations: None
Fire Department Report:
Fire Chief Alleman gave the Fire Chief’s report for August. There were eleven (11) first aid calls inside the Town and fourteen (14) outside of Town. There were no fires inside of Town and one (1) outside of Town. There were four (4) motor vehicle crashes and one (1) mutual aid call. The total calls for the month were thirty-one (31). The total for the year is two hundred fifty-one (251).
Police Department Report:
Report for the month of August was given by Chief Whaley. There were seven (7) wrecks, five (5) bench warrant arrests, one (1) theft, two (2) burglaries, three (3) alarms, twenty-nine (29) assists to other agencies, one (1) juvenile matter, five (5) traffic arrests and thirty-eight (38) miscellaneous calls. For the month’s total, there were 91 calls, 122 citations and 154 violations.
Correspondence: None
Mayor’s Report:
A Census Bureau representative met with Mayor Normand and delivered pamphlets for job openings to be distributed. Mayor Normand, Council Member Bourgeois and Council Member Neisler attended the D-Day Museum Veterans Presentation in New Orleans honoring Herbert Dickerson, Sr., on August 22.. The Mayor also attended the BRCC Summit.
Remarks of Personal Privilege: None
Announcements: None
A motion was made by Council Member André to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Richard. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM.
_____________________ _________________________
Joey Normand, Mayor Debbie Berthelot, Town Clerk