November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, September 14, 2009
September 14, 2009
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, September 14, 2009 at the Brusly Town Hall. Council Member Kershaw led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Thomas Olinde, Joanne Bourgeois, Landess Hebert,
Chris Kershaw
Absent: Shane André
Town Attorney: Thomas Acosta Jr.
Mayor Normand introduced Mandy Poché who thanked Mayor Normand and the Council for declaring the third full week in September of each year, Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week. Mrs. Poché presented information on Mitochondrial Disease, explaining what it is and asking for support from the community to further awareness and research of the disease.
Council Member André joined the meeting while Mrs. Poché was speaking.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s regular meeting of August 10, 2009, was made by Council Member Bourgeois, with the correction to show August 10, 2009 as the correct date, and seconded by Council Member André. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Works Committee: None
Planning and Zoning Committee:
Mayor Normand read aloud a request for reconsideration of the final plat showing Re-subdivision of Lot 67-A of Live Oak Place Subdivision, Lot 37 of Rodriguez Subdivision and Lot 47 of Hill Subdivision into Lots 67-A-1 and 67-A-2” for Sean Allain located at 3160 Live Oak Drive and opened the Public Hearing. A motion to reconsider was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Olinde. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Hebert, Kershaw, Olinde, André, Bourgeois,
Nays: None
Absent: None
The request for reconsideration was granted.
A motion to rescind the previous decision to deny the final plat showing Re-subdivision of Lot 67-A of Live Oak Place Subdivision, Lot 37 of Rodriguez Subdivision and Lot 47 of Hill Subdivision into Lots 67-A-1 and 67-A-2” for Sean Allain located at 3160 Live Oak Drive, was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Olinde. A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Kershaw, Olinde, André, Bourgeois, Hebert
Nays: None
Absent: None
The motion passed to rescind the previous decision.
Finance Committee:
Upon Mayor Normand’s recommendation and after a brief discussion, a motion to approve signing the Laserfiche contract was made by Council Member Kershaw; seconded by Council Member Hebert.
A roll call vote was had with the following results:
Yeas: Olinde, André, Bourgeois, Hebert, Kershaw
Nays: None
Absent: None
Authorization to sign the contract was granted.
Personnel Committee:
Council Member Bourgeois reported that Accounting Clerk Patricia Gaudet had received the CMA (Certified Municipal Assistant) from LAMSA, (Louisiana Association of Municipal Secretaries & Assistants).
Mayor Normand stated that Labor Crew Leader Curtis Allen had received his Heavy Equipment Operator Certification.
Recreation Committee:
Council Member André announced the annual Brusly High Panther Paws Gumbo Dinner will be held on November 6, 2009, at the school cafeteria, and encouraged community support.
Police Committee: None
Governmental Affair Committee:
Council Member Bourgeois called attention to the Keep West Baton Rouge Beautiful banners that have been placed on the highway. Council Member Bourgeois also reported that she had attended the Keep Louisiana Beautiful Conference and participated in training to present a workshop to teachers to be held September 19, 2009.
Consideration of Vetoed Ordinances: None
Hearing and Final Action on Ordinances: None
Introduction of Ordinances:
Council Member Hebert introduced an ordinance relative to Derelict Buildings, Condemnation and Demolition. Council Member Bourgeois introduced an ordinance to review Section 19.8 regarding Drainage, Road Construction, Improvements and Maintenance, and the Number of Lots Allowed.
Resolutions and Commendations:
Resolution #10 of 2009- Nuisance-1023 W. Main St., authorizing the removal of an abandoned motor vehicle at that address, was recommended by Attorney Thomas Acosta. A motion to adopt was made by Council Member André; seconded by Council Member Olinde. The motion passed unanimously.
Fire Department Report:
Fire Chief Alleman gave the Fire Chief’s report for August. There were five (5) first aid calls inside the Town and ten (10) outside of Town. There was one (1) fire call inside the town and none outside the Town. There was one (1) odor investigation and two (2) false alarm investigations. There were sixteen natural gas leaks, two (2) trash fires and one (1) motor vehicle fire. There were four (4) motor vehicle crashes and two (2) mutual aid calls. The total calls for the month were forty four (44). Total calls year to date are two hundred fifty (250).
Fire Chief Alleman also announced the Fire Department has maintained the fire rating of a three (3).
Police Department Report:
Report for the month of August was given by Officer Robertson. There were five (5) wrecks, seven (7) bench warrant arrests, one (1) battery, one (1) criminal mischief, one (1) damage to property, five (5) theft, two (2) burglary, six (6) alarms, sixteen (16) assists to other agencies, one (1) drug arrest, five (5) juvenile matters, ten (10) traffic arrests, thirty two (32) miscellaneous calls and two (2) domestic calls. For the month’s total, there were 94 calls, 278 citations and 356 violations.
Mayor Normand received a letter from the Parish concerning the new Floodplain maps for the area. He explained that the Town of Brusly has only one flood zone, located behind the levee.
Mayor Normand received a certified letter from Cox Communications explaining the changes going into effect on October 1, 2009, to digital cable.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Normand attended a meeting at the 911 office concerning the Swine Flu, explaining that it is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, the difference being it will be more prevalent due to lack of vaccine. The Mayor also attended a Parish meeting concerning Building Permits, announcing the Town has very few changes to better the process. Mayor Normand announced that brush pickup is the week of the 2nd Monday of the month. Anything not picked up will be reported and taken care of. The Mayor gave a short update on the Culvert Program. Mayor Normand announced that the Town’s auction grossed $12,000.00; ten percent of the gross will go to the Auctioneer in addition to advertising fees. The Mayor talked about email notification forms which the Town is providing to the community for anyone interested in receiving meeting agendas. Mayor Normand gave a brief presentation of the new audio visual system installed in the Council Chambers.
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Darrell Jones asked questions about cable franchise competition legislation. Mr. Jones also complimented the Police Department on being very professional while carrying out duties when called to his residence for assistance. Dr. Donald DeLatin posed questions about zoning and building regulations for Live Oak Residents. Rosa Stelly asked questions about permits required by the Parish.
Announcements: None
A motion was made by Council Member André to adjourn; seconded by Council Member Kershaw. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.
_____________________ _________________________
Joey Normand, Mayor Debbie Berthelot, Town Clerk