November 11, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, September 10, 2001
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date at 7:30 p.m. at the Brusly Town Hall with the following present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Councilors: Shane Andre’
Daryl “Turf” Babin
Joanne Bourgeois
Chris “Fish” Kershaw
Ronda Perrault
Councilor Kershaw led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion was made by Councilor Babin to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 13, 2001 as corrected, seconded by Councilor Bourgeois. The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Councilor Bourgeois to approve the special meeting minutes of August 6, 2001, seconded by Councilor Perrault. The motion carried unanimously.
Roger Bergeron, Parish Revenue Department Director, gave an annual report on the parish sales tax. He reported that the sales taxes collected over the last five years were above the projected estimates for the Town and Fire District. Mr. Bergeron gave an overview of the tax revenue process.
Councilor Andre’ led the discussion on the Racial Profiling Policy.
A motion was made by Councilor Andre’ to adopt the Racial Profiling Policy, seconded by Councilor Bourgeois. The motion carried unanimously.
Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux opened the bid received for the surplus vehicle. The successful bidder was Mr. Christopher J. Gunter of Pine Grove, La. with a bid of $3,300.00. A motion was made by Councilor Andre’ to accept Mr. Gunter’s bid of $3,300.00 for the surplus vehicle, seconded by Councilor Babin. The motion carried unanimously.
Chief Emmett Worley gave the Police Department report for the month.
Councilor Babin had no Sewer/Solid Waste Committee report for the month.
Councilor Babin gave a Roads/Drainage Committee report for the month. He updated the drainage project adjacent to Brusly High School.
Mayor Normand reported that the Planning and Zoning Committee would have a public hearing on September 26, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the residential section of Brusly Oaks.
Councilor Kershaw led the discussion on the resolution for the property tax millage of 2.16 mills for 2001. The millage for 2001 would remain the same as 2000. A motion was made by Councilor Kershaw to adopt the resolution for property tax millage for 2001, seconded by Councilor Perrault. The motion carried unanimously.
Councilor Perrault gave the Personnel Committee report for the month.
Town Clerk Lefeaux gave a report on the surplus Christmas decorations and recommended declaring them as surplus. A motion was made by Councilor Bourgeois to declare the 52 old Christmas decorations as surplus and set a price of $60 each, seconded by Councilor Andre’. The motion carried unanimously.
Councilor Bourgeois gave a report on the Dow grant received to purchase playground equipment. Mayor Normand congratulated Councilors Perrault and Bourgeois for all their work in obtaining two grants for the Town.
Councilor Bourgeois gave the Centennial Committee report for the month. She reported that the West Baton Rouge Museum exhibit on the Centennial would open on Saturday, September 15, 2001.
Councilor Bourgeois reported that a sugar kettle was donated by Paul and Joyce Caffarel to the Town to be used as part of the Memorial Plaza. A motion was made by Councilor Bourgeois to accept the donation of the sugar kettle from Paul and Joyce Caffarel to be used as part of the Memorial Plaza with the stipulation that if the Town of Brusly decides to dispose of the said sugar kettle, it is requested that the kettle be returned to the donors or their heirs, specifically descendents of Lucy Peavy Landry, seconded by Councilor Perrault. The motion carried unanimously.
Town Clerk Lefeaux gave the report on the Centennial Committee financial audit. He also reported on the Centennial Book sales.
Mayor Normand led the discussion on the Police witness fee ordinance. Mayor Normand opened the public hearing on the ordinance. After receiving public comments, Mayor Normand closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Councilor Andre’ to adopt the ordinance to change the Police witness fee from a maximum of $50.00 to $75.00, seconded by Councilor Babin. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Normand led the discussion to amend section 24.5(a), 24.5(b), and 24.5(c) of the Code of Ordinances to decrease the notification delays for noxious weeds violations from ten (10) days to seven (7) days from notice of the violation to the time the Town may cause the work to be done and billed to client. Mayor Normand opened the public hearing. After receiving public comments, Mayor Normand closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Councilor Perrault to adopt the amendment to section 24.5(a), 24.5(b), and 24.5(c) of the Code of Ordinances, seconded by Councilor Bourgeois. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Normand led the discussion to amend and supplement section 19.32 of the Code of Ordinances to add a list of prohibited uses for land zoned as C-2 Commercial. Mayor Normand opened the public hearing. After receiving public comments, Mayor Normand closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Councilor Kershaw to adopt the amendment and supplement section 19.32 of the Code of Ordinances for the Town of Brusly to add a list of prohibited uses for land zoned C-2 Commercial, with noted changes, seconded by Councilor Bourgeois. The motion carried unanimously.
Councilor Babin led the discussion on the resolution on the proposed intergovernmental agreement. A motion was made by Councilor Kershaw to adopt the resolution supporting the intergovernmental agreement with the Parish of West Baton Rouge, seconded by Councilor Babin. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Normand led the discussion on the proposed resolution to change the name of West St. Francis Street to Charles P. Adams Street. A motion was made by Councilor Andre’ to adopt the resolution to change the name of West St. Francis Street to Charles P. Adams Street, seconded by Councilor Kershaw. The motion failed with a roll call vote of three nays and two yeas.
Mayor Normand presented Brusly Police Officer Bryan Viator with a commendation for recognizing a dangerous situation at a routine traffic stop and possibly saving the individual from further harm.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month.
Mayor Normand announced that because of the Centennial Opening Ceremonies, the Fire Sub District No. 2 meeting will be held on October 8, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. and also there will be no Committee meetings for the month of October.
A motion was made by Councilor Bourgeois to adjourn, seconded by Councilor Andre’. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Joey Normand, Mayor
Jules Lefeaux, Town Clerk