July 8, 2024 Town of Brusly Brusly, Louisiana The regular meeting of the Town of…
Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, August 11, 2003
August 11, 2003
Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana
The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, August 11th, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at the Brusly Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Babin. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following officials present:
Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: Daryl Babin, Shane Andre’, Ronda Perrault,
Joanne Bourgeois, Chris Kershaw
Mayor Normand made a presentation of Resolution No. 8 of 2003, commemorating the accomplishments and leadership of Iberville Parish Police Jury/ Council Member Charles Michael “Mike” Zito to his family.
Mayor Normand introduced Mr. Tim Johnson, a candidate for State Senator in District 17, who spoke relative to his candidacy for State Senator.
A motion to amend the agenda to hear Mr. John Evans was made by Council Member Kershaw, seconded by Council Member Babin, and passed with no opposing votes. Mr. Evans then spoke regarding his candidacy for State Senator.
A motion to amend the agenda to hear Mr. Kenneth Albarez was made by Council Member Bourgeois, seconded by Council Member Kershaw, and passed with no opposing votes. Mr. Albarez addressed the officials and audience regarding his candidacy for West Baton Rouge Parish President.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of July 14, 2003 was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Perrault, and passed with no opposing votes.
Under Public Works, Mayor Normand began discussion of facts found in the Court House regarding Lot 10A of the Bezet Property. Mr. Randy Willis requested a variance to allow use of a sewer package plant. He presented documents as evidence that he bought the land in question. Council Member Kershaw made a motion to have Town Attorney Jamie Fontenot review the documents, and give her legal opinion to the Council. The motion was seconded by Council Member Bourgeois. A roll call vote found all Council Members in favor of the motion.
Mayor Normand announced that the resurfacing of Highway 1 should begin soon; the widening of West Saint Francis St. at the railroad crossing should begin later this month; work on two intersections has been completed, and a claim is being made on the Rural Development Grant.
The Zoning Commission Minutes recommend the rezoning of the Hubbard H. Peavy property at 408 E. Main St. from B-1 to R-3. A motion to approve their recommendation was made by Council Member Bourgeois, and seconded by Council Member Perrault; the motion passed with no opposing votes.
Mayor Normand recommended the appointment of Mr. Roland Hall to a vacant position on the Board of Appeals. A motion to appoint Mr. Hall was made by Council Member Bourgeois and seconded by Council Member Perrault: the motion passed with no opposing votes.
A motion to approve beer and liquor licenses for Louisiana Bayou Bar, LLC (located in the Bayou Bistro) was made by Council Member Babin, seconded by Council Member Kershaw, and passed with no opposing votes.
Mayor Normand advised the Council that the law requires all mayors, including him, be members of the Municipal Employees Retirement System. Since no one was aware of this upon taking office, approximately two years of contributions should be made by himself and by the Town. Our auditor was consulted regarding a “actuarial fee” involved; in his opinion, that should be paid by the Town. However, Mayor Normand opted to personally pay half of that fee, and the funds have been remitted to the Retirement System.
Mayor Normand recommended the appointment of Mr. Brad Dupont to a vacant position of Maintenance Labor Crew Leader, after interviewing more than 12 applicants. Mr. Dupont has supervisory experience, knowledge of sewer systems, is certified in spraying of herbicides, and was highly recommended by former employers. A motion to hire Mr. Dupont was made by Council Member Babin, seconded by Council Member Andre’, and passed with no opposing votes.
Police Chief Emmett Worley recommended Mrs. Gail Alleman for a new part-time clerk position in the Police Department, at a salary of $9.50 per hour, to work 29 hours per week, retroactive to August 4th. Council Member Bourgeois recalled discussions in committee for 25 hours per week. Chief Worley pointed out that Town Clerk Lefeaux advised as much as 29 hours per week could be part-time employment. Council Member Bourgeois stated she was very uncomfortable with a proposal to hire the wife of the Fire Chief, due to perceptions in the community. Council Member Babin objected to a starting salary of $9.50 per hour, since police officers start at $9.15 per hour. Police Chief Emmett Worley changed his recommendation of Mrs. Gail Alleman to a salary of $9.00 per hour, to work 29 hours per week, retroactive to August 4th. Council Member Andre’ stated that, in committee, 5 hours per day was the agreement. A motion to approve the hiring as recommended was made by Council Member Kershaw, but died for lack of a second.
Police Chief Emmett Worley recommended the promotion of Corporal Jonathan Lefeaux to the rank of Sergeant, due to the work he has done and his fellow officers again voting for him to be Officer of the Year. Chief Worley pointed out that Corporal Lefeaux has set an example for other officers to follow, serving as field training officer, having capabilities of working both the street and the office, and making himself available to the public. The promotion would be effective August 4, 2003 with a pay raise of 33 cents per hour. Motion to promote Jonathan Lefeaux to Sergeant was made by Council Member Babin, seconded by Council Member Kershaw, and passed with no opposing votes.
Police Chief Emmett Worley recommended the appointment of Mr. Neal Cavalier as a Reserve Police Officer. Chief Worley said Mr. Cavalier has a year and a half of experience with the Iberville Sheriff’s Office, serves as a volunteer fireman, and earned a “black belt”. A motion to appoint Mr. Cavalier was made by Council Member Andre’, seconded by Council Member Kershaw, and passed with no opposing votes.
Mayor Normand asked about his request that the Police Department enforce the weight limit ordinance relative to logging trucks damaging town streets. Chief Worley commented that the trucks were within weight limits, according to State Police; the weight limits need to be posted on signs.
Council Member Perrault introduced an ordinance to repeal Chapter 11 and adopt the N.F.PA. Code. Council Member Andre’ introduced an ordinance to change Chapter 25, Section 48 (Criminal Trespassing) to include the provisions of a new State law. Council Member Kershaw introduced an ordinance to renew the Town’s ad valorem tax.
The report of the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department was given by Fire Chief Michael Alleman. In June, there were 10 first aid calls in the Town and 16 first aid calls outside the Town. There were no fire calls in the town and four fire calls outside the Town. There were three mutual aid calls answered. The total calls for the month of June 2003 was 33, and 228 calls for the year. Mayor Normand commented that Chief Alleman was very helpful to the Brusly Bears Football Team in letting their equipment be stored in the fire station.
Police Chief Emmett Worley gave the Police Department report for the month. He stated that there were four wrecks, one arrest on bench warrant cases, one DWI arrest, one battery, two assaults, two damages to property, 7 disturbing the peace incidents, four thefts, one burglary attempt, five alarms, 8 assistances to other agencies, three 911 calls, two drug arrests in Brusly by Brusly officers, 25 traffic arrests, two juvenile matters, and 10 miscellaneous calls, for a total of 78 calls and 330 traffic citations issued.
Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. The Town of Brusly won an Achievement Award at the LMA Convention for our Culvert Program. A Charles P. Adams ceremony was attended by the Mayor, Council Member Bourgeois, Fire Chief and Mrs. Mike Alleman, and enough Chapter members to fill the Council Chambers to overflowing. With the help of Council Members Perrault and Bourgeois, the Newsletter has been mailed to citizens.
Under Remarks of Personal Privilege, Mr. Jeff Kershaw commented on Parish Government programs. Mayor Normand will personally check the location of the new Water Board building foundation. Council Member Chris Kershaw indicated his disappointment in not hiring Mrs. Gail Alleman as police clerk. Police Chief Emmett Worley advised on Mrs. Alleman’s good work, therefore his recommendation for the higher wages; and the need for the secretarial help. Mayor Normand asked Attorney Jamie Fontenot if the agenda could be amended at this time to go back to Hiring of a Part Time Clerk, she responded yes. Whereupon, Council Member Chris Kershaw moved to return to Agenda Item 6.F.1. It was seconded by Council Member Babin, and a roll call vote taken by Town Clerk Lefeaux determined a unanimous vote to return to that agenda item.
Police Chief Emmett Worley recommended Mrs. Gail Alleman be hired into a new part-time clerk position in the Police Department, at a salary of $9.00 per hour, to work 25 hours per week, retroactive to August 4th. Motion to hire Mrs. Alleman was made by Council Member Babin and seconded by Council Member Perrault. Mayor Normand requested a roll call vote by Town Clerk Lefeaux, which had the following result:
YES: Babin, Perrault, Andre’, Kershaw
NO (With a statement): Bourgeois, who is quoted as follows: “I do support the position, I know there is a need, and I do not discount the lady’s qualifications in any way, because she has been a valuable backup employee; but I believe it’s sending the wrong message to the community that I don’t want to go out, so I vote no, respectfully. I am not commenting on anybody’s ability.”
Town Clerk Lefeaux announced the motion passed with four votes in favor, one against. Mayor Normand returned to Remarks of Personal Privilege on the agenda. Chief Worley answered a question that approximately 14 candidates for the police clerk job were interviewed by the board. Mayor Normand advised that the committee screened the applicants, but Chief Worley made the selection.
Under Announcements, Mayor Normand advised that the culvert program signup is from August 1st to August 29th; all a person has to do is give his name and address, and that does not commit him to the program; the Maintenance Supervisor will give an exact cost for an installation, before a deposit is made and the final signature is done.
A motion was made by Council Member Babin to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Andre’. The motion was unopposed. The meeting ended at 7:48 p.m.
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Joey Normand, Mayor Jules Lefeaux, Town Clerk