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Town Meeting Minutes – Monday, April 11, 2005

April 11, 2005

Town of Brusly
Brusly, Louisiana

The regular meeting of the Town of Brusly was held this date, April 11, 2005 at the Brusly Town Hall. Mayor Joey Normand called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and requested that all electronic devices be turned off or silenced. A special guest, Mr. McKay Chauvin, led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call by Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux determined the following officials present:

Mayor: Joey Normand
Council Members: David Rodrigue, Ronda Perrault, Joanne Bourgeois,
Shane Andre’, Chris Kershaw
Town Attorney: Jamie Fontenot

At the Mayor’s request, Council Member Bourgeois made a motion to amend the agenda to hear Item 9.1, Certificates for Brusly High School Wrestling and Powerlifting Teams. Her motion was seconded by Council Member Andre’ and passed with no opposing votes. The Mayor said the two teams are sources of pride for the community and called on Coach Darren Chauvin to help do honors for the power lifting team, which had won 7 State Championships in 10 years.
The team members are Lindsey Aguillard, Chloe Amburgy, Blair Comeaux, Megan Cullen, Michele Diffey, Micah Guillot, Brandi Mancuso, Toni Ocmand, Lindsey Pinkston, Brooke Richard, Emily Richard, Kristi Robillard, Katie Soniat, and Patricia Williams. A Certificate of Congratulations was awarded by the Mayor to each of the team members.

Mayor Normand congratulated the Wrestling Team for honors in the State Championships and called on Head Coach Jimmy Bible. Presentations of certificates to team members were made, citing how each member placed in the finals. Team members include Andrew Baldwin, Justin Brown, Tom Cebollero, Garrett Couvillon, Spencer Gauthreaux, Myron Harris, Erik Haydel, Nick Hebert, Steve Hudson, Casey Landry, Jake Leveron, Todd Lucas, Mark Myers, Ryan Null, Blake Panepinto, Matthew Prescott, Joshua Richardson, Taylor Robnett, Cody Rodriguez, Alex Schofield, Eric Stocking, Danny Stokes, Jasmine Williams, Bryce Wilson, and Willie Young. Cody Rodriguez, a senior, was Student of the Year as well as State Champion in his weight class.

A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Regular Meeting of March 14, 2005 was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Bourgeois and passed with no opposing votes.

A motion to approve the minutes of the Town’s Special Meeting of March 18, 2005 was made by Council Member Perrault, seconded by Council Member Kershaw and passed with no opposing votes.

Under Public Works, Mayor Normand reported that work on the Allene Street Extension had been completed.

Planning and Zoning business included the consideration of four variances requested by Mr. George “Skipper” Grady needed to build a house at the end of Blanchard Street. Mayor Normand said the variances had been considered at Planning and Zoning meetings and at last week’s Town Committee meeting. The first request was for a variance from the requirement that a house must front on a street. Council Member Kershaw made a motion to allow the variance (provided a street was constructed 30 feet longer than the West edge of the driveway, with an 8” base of soil cement and 2” of asphalt pavement). Each Council Member expressed his/her views; there was much concern over several other similar lots in the town that do not front on a street. The motion was seconded by Council Member Andre’. Mayor Normand requested a roll call vote, which had the following result:

YEAS: Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois
Whereupon, Town Clerk Jules Lefeaux announced that the motion failed by a vote of two in favor, three against.

Mr. Grady’s second variance request regards the lot size; Mayor Normand stated a minimum of 9,600 square feet is required by ordinances, and this lot is 6,738 square feet. Council Member Kershaw asked about the previous Council approving the lot size, and Mayor Normand replied that they did so when they approved the plat of the subdivision with that lot on it. Council Member Kershaw made a motion to grant the lot size variance, which was seconded by Council Member Perrault. The Mayor requested that Town Clerk Lefeaux call the roll, and Council Members voted as follows:

YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None

The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The third variance requested was a variance from the turn around requirements. Council Member Perrault advised this might be a bad precedent. Council Member Kershaw advised that if the adjacent lot were subdivided, a bus turnaround could be required then. A motion to approve the variance was made by Council Member Andre’ and seconded by Council Member Kershaw. Again, Mayor Normand requested a roll call vote, which had the following result:

YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: Bourgeois
Absent: None

Town Clerk Lefeaux reported that the motion passed with four favorable votes and one against.

The fourth variance request was for a variance from the front setback requirement. Council Member Kershaw stated that all the other houses on that street were set back about 15 feet. A motion to allow the requested 15 foot front set back was made by Council Member Kershaw and was seconded by Council Member Rodrigue. Mayor Normand requested a roll call vote, and Town Clerk Lefeaux proceeded, with the following result:

YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: Bourgeois
Absent: None

The motion passed with four favorable votes, and one against.

Council Member Kershaw asked about the budget schedule; Mayor Normand replied that budget worksheets were due from department heads on April 16th.

Under Personnel Committee, the Mayor advised that the employees had a reduction in benefits under the new health insurance contract and asked if their cost share of $10 biweekly for a spouse and $20 biweekly for a family could be waived. The total they contributed in a year was about $3,000. Council Member Andre’ made a motion to approve the waiver, and it was seconded by Council Member Kershaw. The motion passed with no opposing votes. The Mayor then advised that Police Chief Jamie Whaley became qualified to do drug tests on employees of the Town, and random testing will soon begin.

Council Member Bourgeois reported that the Cleanest City judging was done on April 8th and the Town of Brusly again won first place in the District Contest. She thanked our maintenance crew for picking up trash early that morning, the office staff, and the W.B.R. Sheriff’s Office for providing inmates to clean up the highway. MS. Bourgeois also thanked the Brusly Middle School students for participating in the essay contest; the first place winner was Jeffrey L. Moxley, Jr.; second place was won by Ashley Landry, and third place was Brittany Delaune. Council Member Bourgeois also thanked the Mayor for his enthusiastic support; Council Members Rodrigue and Kershaw for cleaning in the cemetery; Council Member Andre’ for topnotch yard work; and Council Member Perrault for work on the scrapbook.
Under Police Committee, Chief Jamie Whaley recommended Reserve Officer Ned Robertson for full-time employment to a vacant position. A motion to approve the appointment was made by Council Member Perrault and it was seconded by Council Member Bourgeois; the motion passed with no opposing votes.

Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 8 of 2005 to add new street names to the Ordinances. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. As no comments were offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Upon motion by Council Member Kershaw and second by Council Member Andre’, Ordinance No. 8 was adopted with the following vote:

YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None

Mayor Normand called for a hearing and final action on Ordinance No. 9 of 2005, to add traffic signs to the Ordinances. He read the heading and called for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. As no comments were offered, the Mayor closed the public hearing and called for discussion by the Town Council. Upon motion by Council Member Perrault and second by Council Member Bourgeois, Ordinance No. 9 was adopted with the following vote:

YEAS: Rodrigue, Perrault, Bourgeois, Andre’, Kershaw
NAYS: None
Absent: None

The report of the Brusly Volunteer Fire Department was given by Fire Chief Michael Alleman. In March, there was one first aid call in the Town and 15 first aid calls outside the Town. There was one fire call in the Town and one fire call outside the Town. The Fire Department responded to five motor vehicle accidents and answered five mutual aid calls in Addis. The total calls for the month of March was 28, and 82 calls for the year.

The Police Department report for the month of March was given by Chief Jamie Whaley. He stated that there were five wrecks, one bench warrant arrest, no DWI arrests, one damage to property, two burglaries, 10 assistances to other agencies, one 911 call, four drug arrest, three juvenile matters, 18 traffic arrests and 18 miscellaneous calls, for a total of 72 calls and 200 traffic citations issued for 270 violations.

Correspondence of importance included a letter from the American Planning Association saying all new members of the Planning Commission have to take four hours of training. Mayor Normand is working with Mayor Bourgeois of Addis to share the cost of an instructor.

Mayor Normand gave the Mayor’s report for the month. He, Council Member Bourgeois and Town Clerk Lefeaux attended the Capital Regional Planning Commission Meeting in Addis. Mayor Normand and Council Member Kershaw (who is Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce’s Governmental Affairs Committee) attended the Chamber’s Elected Officials’ Reception with other Council Members. Brusly’s sales tax percentage was adjusted by Mr. Roger Bergeron, Director of Revenue for W.B.R. Parish. Brusly was awarded a Certificate of Merit during Cleanest City Judging. The Mayor will be “jailed” on April 13th so that people can contribute “bail money” to the Muscular Dystrophy campaign. The Wal-Mart agreement is now 35 pages long and will require a special meeting for approval. No significant issues remain. Mayor Normand attended a Memorial Service for Jules Lefeaux’s father, Lawrence I. Lefeaux, Jr. who was the former Chief Deputy Sheriff of W.B.R. Parish. The Mayor commended him for his lifetime of public service, and the mayor offered the condolences of the Town Council and citizens for Jules and his family, as the man contributed a lot to this Parish, and we are proud of him.

Under Remarks of Personal Privilege, Mrs. Robin Smith of Brusly Elementary School thanked Mayor Normand, Ms. Bourgeois, Mr. Kershaw and Chief Whaley for a great job on readings for Dr. Seuss Day. Attorney Jamie Fontenot, leader of the Relay for Life Team, thanked Chief Jamie Whaley and Council Member Rodrigue for arriving at 4:30 A.M. to cook jambalaya, and all others who helped. She invited all to come to the event on Friday. Parish Council Member Jeff Kershaw invited all to the W.B.R. Council Meeting in Erwinville.

Mayor Normand announced that a Surplus Property Auction would be held on May 5, 2005 at 9:00 at the Town Hall, and a Special Town Meeting regarding Wal-Mart would be held April 20th at 6:30 P.M.
A motion was made by Council Member Perrault to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Kershaw. The motion was unopposed. The meeting ended at 7:24 p.m.

/S/ Joey Normand, Mayor /S/ Jules Lefeaux, CMC,
Town Clerk

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