Planning & Zoning Minutes – February 2022
February 23, 2022
The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, February 23, 2022, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chairman LeMoine called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Commissioner Purnell led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Commissioners: Steve Guidry, Kim LeMoine, Ronda Perrault, Claudette Purnell, Gary Soniat
Absent: Steve Perkins, Jeff Travasos
Others Present: Joanne Bourgeois, Don Neisler, Rosa Stelly, Court Bradford, others listed on Agenda
A motion to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2022, regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, as written, was made by Commissioner Perrault and seconded by Commissioner Guidry. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Chairman LeMoine read aloud the variance request of Chantelle Johnson, Lot 1C & 3C Live Oak Dr., for Non-Compliance Sec. 120-145(3) R-1 Single Family Residential, Side Depth, to reduce the side setback from 10’ to 5’ to build a house. Ms. Johnson explained her request, stating that she owned the adjourning property. After a brief discussion a motion to recommend the variance to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Guidry; seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman LeMoine read aloud the variance request of Blake Marionneaux, 1671 Allene St., for Non-Compliance Sec. 120-145(3) R-1 Single Family Residential, Side Depth, to reduce the side setback from 10’ to 5’ 8” to build a shop. Mr. Marionneaux explained his request, informing the Commission that his adjourning neighbor has signed a letter of no objection. After a brief discussion, a motion to recommend the variance to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Soniat. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing – Final Plat
Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat showing the Survey & Subdivision of Lot 41-A & 42-A into Lot 41-A-1 Located in Sec. 55, T8S-R12E Town of Brusly, West Baton Rouge Parish Southeastern Land District West Baton Rouge Parish for the Estate of Hubert Thibodeaux, 601 N. LaBauve Ave. Mr. Court Bradford, representing the Estate of Hubert Thibodeaux, explained that the heirs wanted to combine two adjacent lots into one lot. Following a brief discussion, a motion to recommend approval of the plat to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Guidry. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing – Final Plat
Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat showing the Survey & Subdivision of Lot HT-1-B & 50-A into Lot HT-1-B-1 Located in Sec. 55, T8S-R12E Town of Brusly, West Baton Rouge Parish Southeastern Land District West Baton Rouge Parish for the Estate of Hubert Thibodeaux, 601 N. LaBauve Ave. Mr. Court Bradford, representing the Estate of Hubert Thibodeaux explained that the heirs wanted to combine two adjacent lots combining into one lot. He further explained that there was a note on the plat stating that any road built would have to follow the Town of Brusly Ordinances. After a brief discussion, a motion to recommend approval of the plat to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perrault; seconded by Commissioner Soniat. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing – Final Plat
Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat Showing the Survey & Subdivision of Lot HT-1-A into Lots HT-1-A-1, HT-1-A-2, HT-1-A-3, HT-1-A-4, HT-1-A-5, HT-1-A-6, HT-1-A-7 & HT-1-A-8, Located in Sec. 55, T8S-R12E Town of Brusly, West Baton Rouge Parish Southeastern Land District for the estate of Hubert Thibodeaux, 601 N. LaBauve Ave. Mr. Court Bradford, representing the Estate of Hubert Thibodeaux explained the proposed plat and offered to answer any questions posed. After discussion, Commissioner Guidry motioned to recommend the plat contingent upon the title being changed to Preliminary Plat and that 50’ right of ways be aligned with existing right of ways to extend through the property, moving the lot lines accordingly. Commissioner Perrault seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing – Final Plat
Chairman LeMoine opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat Showing the Survey of Lot MT-3 into Lots MT-3-A, MT-3-B, MT-3-C, MT-3-D, MT-3-E, MT-3-F, MT-3-G & MT-3-H Located in Sec. 55, T8S-R12E Town of Brusly, West Baton Rouge Parish, and Southeastern Land District for Mark Tassin, 621 N LaBauve Ave. Mr. Court Bradford, representing Mr. Tassin, explained the proposed plat and offered to answer any questions posed. After discussion, Commissioner Perrault motioned to recommend the plat contingent upon the title being changed to Preliminary Plat and that 50’ right of ways be aligned with existing right of ways to extend through the property, moving the lot lines accordingly. Commissioner Purnell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business: None
Points of Personal Privilege: None
Announcements: None
Commissioner Guidry made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Soniat. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
/s/Patricia Gaudet Thibodaux, Recording Secretary