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Planning & Zoning Minutes – December 2018

December 26, 2018

The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, December 26, 2018, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chairman LeMoine called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Commissioner Perrault led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Commissioners: Steve Guidry, Kim LeMoine, Ronda Perrault, Gary Soniat,
Jeff Travasos
Absent: Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell
Others Present: Joanne Bourgeois, Gary Tullier

A motion to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2018, regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, as written, was made by Commissioner Perrault and seconded by Commissioner Soniat. The minutes were approved unanimously. There were no minutes for a November meeting, due to lack of quorum needed to conduct business.

Commissioner LeMoine read aloud the Variance Request from Gary Tullier for 1005 Blanchard St. for Non-Compliance – Sec. 19.31.1 Zoning District R-1 – to reduce the side setback from 10’ to 3’ and the front setback from 30’ to 20’. Commissioner LeMoine referred the Commissioners to a letter from the adjoining property owner, Debbie Daigle, stating that she had no objections to the variance request. Mr. Gary Tullier explained his request for the variances by explaining that he would like to build his house facing the River Road instead of Blanchard Street. Mr. Tullier further stated that he would install a drainage ditch on the West property line to allow for water runoff. After answering additional questions from Commissioners regarding drainage and other aspects, Commissioner Perrault offered a motion to recommend approval of the variance requests to the Town Council; seconded by Commissioner Guidry. The motion passed unanimously.

Planning: None

Other Business: None

Points of Personal Privilege: None

Announcements: None
A motion was made by Commissioner Travasos to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Soniat. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:41 PM.

/s/Patricia Gaudet Thibodaux, Recording Secretary

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