Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes
AUGUST 24, 2016
The regular meeting of the Brusly Planning & Zoning Commission was held this date, August 24, 2016, at the Brusly Town Hall. Chair Person Perrault called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Commissioner Travasos led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Chair Person: Ronda Perrault
Commissioners: Kim LeMoine, Steve Perkins, Claudette Purnell, Gary Soniat, Jeff Travasos
Absent: Steve Guidry
A motion to approve the minutes of July 27, 2016, regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning, as written, was made by Commissioner LeMoine and seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Public Hearing – Chapter 19, Zoning Map:
Chair Person Perrault opened the Public Hearing for Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Brusly, State of Louisiana to amend and re-adopt the official zoning map of the Town of Brusly, Louisiana. The new map reflects the changes previously approved over the course of the past two years.
Hearing no comments, Chair Person Perrault closed the Public Hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to favorably recommend the updated zoning map to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Purnell; seconded by Commissioner Travasos. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Hearing – Re-zoning Request:
Chair Person Perrault opened the Public Hearing for the re-zoning request from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to C-1 (Light Commercial) at 653 E. Main Street for James W. and Laverne M. Sorrell. Mr. Sorrell introduced himself and explained to the Commission that he had previously requested the re-zoning of the property from C-1 (Light Commercial) to R-1 (Single Family Residential), which was approved, because he planned to repair the structure and sell it as a residential property. Mr. Sorrell further explained that he now has a buyer for the property that wished to purchase it for commercial use. At this time, Mr. Sorrell invited Ms. Lizabeth Jackson to come forward and explain her intentions for the property.
Ms. Jackson introduced herself as the owner of Brightside Day Habilitation located at 557 E. Main Street, Brusly. Ms. Jackson explained that she wished to expand the business to a second location serving physically challenged adults in the area. At each location, she will provide prevocational learning activities.
Hearing no further comments, Chair Person Perrault closed the Public Hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission for consideration. A motion to favorably recommend the re-zoning request to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perkins; seconded by Commissioner LeMoine. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Public Hearing – Final Plat:
Chair Person Perrault opened the Public Hearing for the Final Plat Showing the Resubdivision of the Janice L. Hebert, ET ALS Property into Lot JH-1 & JH-2 Located in Sec. 56, T8S, R-12E, Southeastern Land District, West of the Mississippi River, Town of Brusly, Parish of West Baton Rouge, State of LA for Ivy Thibodeaux, Jr.
Mr. Cletus Langlois of Patin Engineers & Surveyors, representing Mr. Ivy Thibodeaux, introduced himself. After explaining the plat to the Commission Mr. Langlois offered to answer any questions posed. Mr. Langlois explained that the houses were fronting on Pecan Street, and not Short Street, will be in compliance with Town Ordinances, in response to Mr. John Breaux’s questions and concerns.
Hearing no further comments, Chair Person Perrault closed the Public Hearing and turned the matter over to the Commission. After a brief discussion a motion to recommend the approval of the plat to the Town Council was made by Commissioner Perkins; seconded by Commissioner LeMoine. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business: None
Points of Personal Privilege: None
Announcements: None
A motion was made by Commissioner LeMoine to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Purnell. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM.
/s/Patricia Gaudet Thibodaux
Recording Secretary