Minutes of the Brusly Landmark & Heritage Commission – July 16, 2012
A meeting of the Brusly Landmark and Heritage Commission was held on Monday July 16, 2012, Brusly Town Hall, Brusly, Louisiana.
Chairman Rills called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Commissioner Billy Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call determined the following officials present:
Commission Chairman: Jim Rills
Commission Members: Billy Bourgeois, Sara Grady, Rose Jackson
Advisory Members: Brian Falcon
Absent: Shirley Jordan, Margaret Canella, Kevin Durbin
Others present: Joanne Bourgeois, Edith Owens
Upon motion of Commissioner Grady; seconded by Commissioner Bourgeois, the minutes of the April 16, 2012 meeting were approved as written.
Landmark Plaque Applications:
No applications were presented to the Commission. Joanne Bourgeois suggested someone contact the owners of the following houses to suggest they apply for plaques:
• 408 Gwin St. (Laura Williams)
• 517 Gwin St. (Gregory Powell)
• 521 Gwin St. (Lamar & Susan Thomas)
Ms. Bourgeois explained that the houses had been recently renovated and meet criteria for plaque application.
Old Business:
• Ordinance Compliance
116 W. Main St. – Chairman Rills reviewed the changes made to the property to bring it back into compliance, stating that the violation had been resolved and no further action is needed.
• Plaque Display
Members reviewed a list of three Certified Landmark Properties where plaques have not been displayed:
240 W. Main St. (Chad & Calista Daigle) – Joanne Bourgeois reported that the plaque for 240 W. Main St. had been put up for display resolving the matter.
230 LeJeune St. (William Waldrep) – Patricia Gaudet stated she would contact the owner of 230 LeJeune St. to request he display the plaque.
137 E. Main St. (Judy Dupuy) Chairman Rills stated he would contact the owner of 137 E. Main St. to request she display the plaque.
Commissioner Grady talked about the success of the Church Plaque Ceremonies and members shared their comments.
Chairman Rills gave special thanks to Brian Falcon for spearheading the project.
New Business:
Joanne Bourgeois announced that research was being done to acquire a State of Louisiana Historical Marker for the Convent and first Brusly Town Hall, located on the block bordered by St. Matthew and Gwin Streets.
Commissioner Jordan arrived at 6:40 P.M.
Mrs. Bourgeois also spoke about putting together a new book with historical black & white photos that have been donated to the Town of Brusly.
Chairman Rills encouraged Mrs. Bourgeois to continue placing articles in the Town newsletter encouraging owners of qualified properties to seek Certified Landmark Status.
Other Business: None
Remarks of Personal Privilege:
Brian Falcon announced that the plaques had been displayed at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in the appropriate places.
Commission Chairman Rills adjourned the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Patricia Gaudet, Secretary