Photo by Ferdinand J. "Tres" Allain III during the last operation production days of the Cinclare mill in Fall 2005
Photo by Ferdinand J. "Tres" Allain III during the last operation production days of the Cinclare mill in Fall 2005
Photo by Larry Durbin during West Baton Rouge Historical Association's Sugar Country Ramble 2000
Photo by Ferdinand J. "Tres" Allain III during the last operation production days of the Cinclare mill in Fall 2005
Photo by Larry Durbin during West Baton Rouge Historical Association's Sugar Country Ramble 2000
Amanda Arnold, Katie Levert, Brusly Mayor Joey Normand, Parish President Riley "Pee Wee" Berthelot, Jr., Erika Baumann, Addis Mayor Pro-Temp Harry Landry, General Manager Paul M. Levert, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Deacon Sammy Collura, and Brusly Councilwoman and WBR Historical Association Rep Joanne Bourgeois gather under the new State of Louisiana historic marker that was dedicated on Sunday, August 20, 2006, to honor St. Delphine Plantation "The Big House" near Addis. Sponsoring the marker was the August J. Levert, Jr., Family LLC.